For the past ten days are so, the MSM is trying to turn Qanon into a bogeyman. Twitter deleted or banned over 200,000 Qanon-related accounts. Mine was one of them. Even though I only had a few hundred followers, I was deemed a threat to the Establishment and my account was banned. In the past ten days, two reporters have asked the President about Qanon. To one of them, he replid that he didn't know much about it, but he understood that the Qanon people liked him. When the reporter attempted to clarify and explained the MSM trope that Qanons believe the President is fighting satanic cannibals, the President replied, tongue-in-cheek, "And that's supposed to be a bad thing?"
Regardless, searches on Google for the term "Qanon" have soared. Even in the media's attempts to discredit the Q movement, they end up popularizing it an raising awareness. It's another parallel to Mormonism. As Brigham Young said, "You can't kick Mormonism down the stairs; you can only kick it up the stairs." That seems to be the case with any truth. All the efforts of darkness to suppress light ultimately fail.
In Chicago and some other large metropolitan areas, there have been supposed "Qanon demonstrations" this past week. Seeing the pictures of these makes me doubt. The crowds were several dozen young people carrying signs with #savethechildren and #wwg1wga on them. In one of the crowd pictures, there was someone carrying a sign demanding to defund ICE, which is something no Qanon would ever support. What i think is happening is that the Soros/Antifa rent-a-mob is getting ready to stage a false flag and make it appear that Qanon is a dangerous, violent organization. Here's what you need to know when and if that happens.
Q is a military intelligence information-dissemination program. Q asks questions that prompts independent researchers to dig and find information on various issues.
Qanons are the researchers. There is no organization. There is no hierarchy. They research and release their findings on a variety of social media platforms.
Qanons are independent. Sometimes they coordinate research, but they don't meet or gather to protest.
At some Trump rallies, Qanon supporters have worn Q shirts displayed banners that say "WWG1WGA," which stands for "Where we go one, we go all. This phrase comes from the movie, White Squall" and it expresses unity of purpose. The phrase was engraved on the bell of JFK's yacht.
Qanons don't organize or march. They prefer to enlighten people online by "red-pilling" them--by asking leading questions. This is more effective than carrying a sign.
Qanons communicate by memes because social media algorithms can't block them. (This is why their accounts are being banned. It's the only way for Twitter and Facebook to censor them.)
They represent a wide range of ages from people in their teens to people in their seventies.
Q is not a cult or a violent organization. Q's purpose is to get people to ask questions and research for themselves. Have you ever heard of a cult that told its followers to think for themselves?
Qanons' purpose is to awaken the public and provide stability when the "Storm" comes, a time when the military will take seditious traitors into custody. They wil attempt to start riots in major cities and cause fear.
Qanons will reassure friends and family that we have been warned and to not fear. Patriots are in control. The outcome will be good.