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Writer: ldsanonldsanon

Countless anons are dealing with a sense of discouragement and loss today. It is Inauguration Day 2021. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were sworn in as President and Vice President today. Trump returned to life as a private citizen. There were no arrests, no “storm, no Emergency Alert Message from POTUS, no communications blackout. Years of anticipation had built up to a fever pitch as we witnessed a clearly stolen election, fraught with fraud. The President was banned from Twitter and Facebook, effectively cutting him off from the people.

The fake news media refused to cover any of the evidence of the election fraud. The Navarro Report clearly outlined they types of cheating that occurred and in what proportions. It’s easy to see that some 11 million votes were invalid, either through ineligible voters voting, dead people voting, fake ballots, ballots being scanned multiple times, and the electronic switching of votes from Trump to Biden. We had a server seized in a military raid that contained this proof. We had video evidence of poll workers pulling out suitcases of fake ballots after polls had closed. We had hundreds of affidavits of witnesses who saw overt cheating. In the end, no court accepted numerous lawsuits to hear the evidence, including the Supreme Court.

The whole ordeal simply demonstrated with alarming clarity that every single organ of the Republic has been corrupted beyond repair. We anons hoped that Trump would lead the way to a peaceful revolution that would allow the Republic to be saved. On January 6th, the Deep State turned a peaceful protest in Washington, D.C. into a violent assault by seeding the crowd of patriots with Antifa and BLM agents-provocateurs. This event gave Establishment RINOs to turn against Trump and vote to overlook objections to six states contested electors. The Electoral College was designed to be our country’s defense against demagogues. It has been the thorn in the side of the Democrat Party. This time, they found a way around it.

In the final week of Trump’s term, he seemed detached and somber. The fight had been taken out of him. Crooked Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi pushed through a hurried impeachment vote with a few days left in his presidency and tried to convince Vice President Pence to invoke the 25th amendment. Anons held their breath waiting for Trump to declassify thousands of documents that would expose Deep State actors’ involvement in pedophilia, human trafficking, drug smuggling, and other nefarious activities. We hoped for a pardon for Wikileaks’ founder Julian Assange. In the eleventh hour, we got several hundred pages of documents declassified that were generated by the Russiagate investigation. Rumor was that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell threatened that he would vote to impeach Trump and convict him if Assange was pardoned.

In the final days, the Capitol was occupied by some 35,000 military troops, armored vehicles, fences, gates, and other crowd control measures—to protect the 500 or so elites from a sparse crowd of supporters who attended. Nearly 2000 of those troops were deputized as temporary US Marshals. Why, if not to arrest some people? In the end, Trump quietly boarded a helicopter, flew on Air Force One to his home in Florida and faded away as decrepit, crooked Biden, an apparent agent of the Chinese Communist Party and head of an organized crime family, swore the oath of the Presidency.

After all the build up, and for all their faith, prayers, and efforts to “red-pill” people and alert them to the coming “Storm,” nothing happened. There could be no long-awaited tweet from POTUS, whose Twitter account was locked. The Trump administration went out with a whimper, for all its former combativeness.

We can speculate that POTUS or his family was threatened. Perhaps, as the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion state, major cities are wired with hidden, massive bombs (perhaps nuclear) that could kill millions. Could Trump have been coerced by the threat of nuclear blackmail? Did it come down to a moment of ultimate decision, when Trump was to give the “go” order, but his resolve failed? Is the Deep State so strong that no man or group of men can uproot it?

In the coming year, we will see America revert back to the intentionally-destructive malaise of the Obama administration. In a very short time, gasoline will be $4.00 a gallon again and energy for heating and cooling homes will skyrocket. The resurrected coal industry will be shut down, laying off thousands of workers. The renewed U.S. steel industry will see layoffs as Biden removes tariffs that made us competitive. The Deep State, pushed onward by the World Economic Forum’s plans for a Great Reset into a socialist world order, will begin to dismantle the economy using Covid-19 again. Lockdowns will kill small businesses, cause mass unemployment, and justify a universal income proposition.

Obamacare will come back with a vengeance. Remember how you lost your affordable healthcare and replaced it with the new one that had $12,000 deductibles, on penalty of being fined by the IRS? Police departments will be forced to lay off cops and replace them with social workers. Your child’s school will soon be required to teach them that white people are evil and it will invite drag queens to read to his class and tell him that he can choose his own gender.

Let us not forget that we learned of Hillary’s part in a 16-year plan that would result in World War III and reduce the nation to a vassal-state of the UN and China. Will that plan soon return? Perhaps after dementia-riddled Biden is removed by the 25th amendment or he resigns due to failing health, and Kamala “Heels-Up” Harris steps in to the presidency will carry out that part of the plan. Like Obama, who was not an American, Harris is also not eligible to fill the office of President, but that won’t stop them. To destroy America, the Deep State needs to have someone who has no deep love of the country, a person who sees it as an evil cancer to be excised from the global community.

The Deep State envisions a utopian world, where they sit in their ivory towers, engineering a breakaway civilization, a transhumanist paradise, serviced by a drastically-reduced human population of some 500 million. This is why they went to such extremes to steal the election. They have to get this done by 2030. That’s their target date.

We had great hopes that Trump, using the power of military intelligence, would be able to reveal shocking secrets that would jolt Americans and the rest of humanity to become awakened to their awful situation and rebel against Deep State control. We hoped that corrupt and truly evil politicians, judges, and officials would face justice for their crimes. In the end, despite all the promises that patriots were in control, Q and Trump failed.

I don’t buy the claims that Q was a psy-op to pacify anons. The effect was the opposite. Q awakened many people and they are now alert to the danger. Until the media is countered, the great mass of humanity will not believe it. We anons were anxious and hoping for someone who would have the power to expose the truth to the world. With our help, Q was able to reach millions and it became an international movement. The Great Awakening relied on our ability to use social media to reach others. Twitter and Facebook now ban that message. Conservatives built a new platform, Parler, and as it grew astronomically over a week’s time as anons left Twitter, Amazon forced it off their web services platform. We don’t know if it will ever make it back. We have been effectively silenced.

What is left for us to do? As I have written in prior posts on this blog, I accepted the possibility that Q would likely fail. I didn’t believe God would ultimately bless the movement because of widespread anti-Mormonism in its ranks. I had hoped for a brief respite, in which a Captain Moroni-like figure would lead the people to defeat the Gadianton robbers for a time, before it would return with a vengeance. Perhaps the scenario of the Book of Mormon’s events won’t play out in that same manner. It may be that we are now about to witness the ultimate, permanent decline of America. We know that will happen at some time. As I documented in another post, Joseph Smith and many other latter-day apostles and prophets have prophesied in great detail the demise of the United States. It will be in a vacuum of political power that God’s Zion arises. Zion won’t challenge the government for control. Like Roman Catholicism did when Rome fell, it took on the role of providing stability to the medieval world. The Church will do something similar now. When America falls, Zion will arise. It’s impossible to say. All I know is that prophets are a trustworthy source of information about the future.

To conclude, I have followed and studied the Q drops since January of 2018, just a few weeks after they began to appear. Like many, I have been mistaken repeatedly trying to decode them and match them to ongoing or future events. In hindsight, Q showed amazing understanding of how the Deep State operates and the characters that are involved in its operations. I have never elevated Q to the reverence and esteem I hold for the oracles of the restored Church. I hoped to see a brief respite from the Cabal that would allow the gospel to go forth into nations where it has previously been blocked, like North Korea or the Arab world. Despite those hopes for Q being dashed, I am assured of the ultimate success of the gospel. God bears witness of that truth, whereas I never had any such confirmation of Q. It was always with some degree of caution I accepted Q’s information.

In the end, there were some things we hoped to be true. The Deep State must be far stronger than we had believed. It will take the power of God to overcome it. In the meantime, the scriptures teach us that for a period, it will be given unto the “beast,” a worldly kingdom or political entity, to overcome even the saints and wear them down. It is that time for which we have to prepare now. I have the sense that this rollercoaster is going to head downhill extraordinarily fast.



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