Which church is true?
They can’t all be.
Only one can be.
Use logic.
Either there is one true church
Or none of them are.
If any two churches disagree
On doctrine,
One or the other must be in error
Or both are in error.
All but one are false.
Can truth contradict itself?
Can two churches with contradictory teachings
Be true?
Does doctrine matter?
Is faith in God enough?
Is faith in Christ required?
One says baptism is a must.
Another says it is not.
Does faith save
Or do your works make a difference?
If you are a liar, a thief, an adulterer, or gay,
Why do they care if what you do doesn’t matter?
Does God reward every man according to his works
Or does grace alone save?
Opinions differ.
Does truth?
Has it occurred to you
That your church could be wrong?
How would you know?
Who can say
Do you desire to know?
Which is true and which is false?
Ask of God (James 1:5-6).