Why is it,
When you mention you are a Mormon
Online or almost anywhere else,
Some misinformed or ill-intended person
Has to go on the attack?
Why do people want to believe the worst?
The bitter lies of those who the Bible calls
“...[C]louds...without water, carried about of winds;
[T]rees whose fruit withereth, without fruit,
[T]wice dead, plucked up by the roots;
Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame;
[W]andering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.”
Why do they want to believe the words of traitors, whom the Bible calls
“Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things...
...Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful….”
Why can’t those who leave the Church leave it alone?
Why is it they count on you to only believe their “facts?”
Joseph Smith saw God.
Otherwise, all hell would leave him alone.
What did the Three Witnesses see and hear?
What did the Eight Witnesses touch and heft?
Why is it, though many of them became alienated,
From the man Joseph,
They continued to affirm their testimony,
Even after he was long dead.
Why do they bury the miracles?
Did not Joseph heal many in the name of Jesus?
Hundreds on the river bottoms and banks of the Mississippi,
Some who lay near death?
Who was Elijah Fordham?
They won’t tell you of the hundreds of journals and diaries
Of Mormon pioneers,
Who received ministering angels
Or heard the voice of God.
Why won’t they tell you about the miracle of the quails
Or the miracle of the seagulls?
Or the Mississippi River freezing solid,
That they might pass across it as they fled
From persecutors?
They won’t tell you of the thousands of healings
That take place at the hands of ordained elders,
In the name of Jesus every day.
What they are telling you
Reveals their own failure to believe
To follow Jesus,
And to betray their brethren.
But you won’t know all that.
You will believe or disbelieve
Based on what is in your heart.
His sheep hear his voice.
If you are called, you will hear it.
If not, none of it will mean anything to you.
Nevertheless, in the words of Gamaliel,
That ancient Pharisee,
To his brethren of the Sanhedrin:
“Refrain from these men, and let them alone:
[F]or if this counsel or this work be of men,
[I]t will come to nought:
But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it;
[L]est haply ye be found even to fight against God.”
Logical thinking.
There are no coincidences.