For those who follow Q, we know he’s following a plan take down a globalist Cabal. The Cabal is what the Book of Mormon calls a secret combination. Moroni warned us that a secret combination like the Gadianton robbers of his day would be active in our day. Their goal is to undermine freedom and agency in every country in the world and subordinate all nations to its power. Mormons ought to follow Q closely because they are fighting this secret combination. Q has said, and given some proofs, that key players in the Cabal are involved with human trafficking, Satan-worship, rape of children, and even human sacrifices. The depths of the Cabal’s depravity is shocking.
Part of Q’s multilayered plan apparently involved freeing North Korea from the control of the Cabal and seeking peace with its government. The Cabal has controlled North Korea since the end of the Korean War. Another important step was deposing the Saudi royals who were involved in a vast human-trafficking business. The ascendancy to power of a Saudi crown prince led to many of the royals getting jailed or having their assets seized. When Trump when to Saudi Arabia after the changes, the Crown Prince honored him with a sword dance. That’s significant. Later Q told us:
Q0072 – “SA is the primary, US is secondary, (Asia/EU)…”
In other words, the Q team had to take down Saudi Arabia. It’s vast money fueled all manner of wickedness. Q has labeled some of the “black hats” that have to be eliminated with the plus-sign in the following manner. The first is +++ or Saudi Arabia. The second is ++ or the Rothschilds family. The last is George Soros, who is designated by a single +. These groups and individuals control literally trillions of dollars of wealth. That kind of power is almost unimaginable. They have more money than some nation-states. They are the financial engine of the Cabal. Read Revelation 18 to understand where they derive their wealth. Take note especially of the trading of “slaves” and the “souls of men.” This isn’t talking about slavery before 1888. This is talking about today.
In Q drop #72, we learn that Saudi Arabia was the first target Q had to neutralize. It has been neutralized. The US is the secondary. That is what is happening now. The Muller investigation has been a necessary part of destroying the Cabal. In the days to come, be mindful of the headlines and what the Muller report will contain. Evidence is going to emerge that will identify traitors and seditious activity by Democratic-linked FBI and DOJ officials. Then there is going to be the release of the investigation being done by Inspector General John Huber. (Note: Huber is LDS and a former stake and mission president.) Then will come the declassification of the FISA requests that authorized the Obama administration to spy on the Trump campaign. When this is done, the news that will emerge is going to destroy the Democrat Party. Q tells us that, by the 2020 election, there won’t be a Democrat Party. The exposed corruption will take it down permanently.
Once America is purged of the Deep State controls, then EU and Asia come next. We have few details on that because Q hasn’t spoken much of it yet. However, he did leave us a tantalizing clue for the final phase of the operation.
Q916 - “We are saving Israel for last.”
In drop 916, Q is going after the Cabal in Israel. This is the center of the Cabal’s control Many anti-Semitic people have talked about a “Jewish Conspiracy” for years. When they bring it up on talk radio, they get shut down immediately. It’s the big secret. The legacy of the Holocaust prevents the topic from coming up without the ACLU and the ADL coming after you. Meanwhile, there are indications that there are, and there have been for a long time, a group of Jews who are at the heart of the Cabal. A document called the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is often called a forgery, but if you will study it thoroughly, you see that much of the plan it describes has unfolded just as it said. The document purports to be a discussion of the plans of Jewish conspirators who seek to establish their own “Zion” with their hand-picked Davidic king who will be the Messiah. They will use their financial power, extortion, bribery, and murder to get their guy installed and to maintain his kingdom. Their government will destroy Christianity and the believers in Jesus Christ. It is the reign of the anti-Christ. The document goes on and on about how they will deceive the “Goyim” (Gentiles), depopulate the earth through war, disease, and poisoning the environment. They plan a final series of wars and tumults that will cause the Gentile nations to beg for their false Messiah to take the government of the earth and stop the suffering (which they caused).
This has been a lot of info to absorb, but it was just the introduction. You have to understand these things before the second part—the part that has to do with us LDS folk.
We know some things that the Gentiles don’t know. We know that Israel was scattered among the Gentile nations. We know that Israel isn’t just the Jews. The other tribes that were scattered were absorbed into the nations in the “north country” according to the Bible. Go to http://scriptures.lds.org and search the Bible for that term “north country” and you’ll see many references about the Lord gathering scattered Israel from that region.
We know that, when LDS missionaries first went abroad, there were large numbers of conversions of people in the UK and Scandinavia. By comparison, relatively few European converts came from Catholic Europe (Spain, France, Italy). Thousands of these descendants of Israelites gathered to the Salt Lake Valley when they were called to migrate. That is part of the gathering of Israel. Israel doesn’t mean Jews alone. It means the descendants of Israel and they are many.
Many important events in the Church happened on significant days on the Hebrew calendar. For example, the day Joseph Smith was given the plates by Moroni in 1827 was the day of the Feast of Trumpets that year. Ever wonder why statues of Moroni on the temples have him holding a Trumpet. The Book of Mormon sounds the trumpet, calling scattered Israel to gather.
We know that Moses, Elias, and Elijah appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in the Kirtland Temple on April 3rd, 1836—the day of the Passover that year. Moses committed the keys to preside over the gathering of Israel. That means that Israel’s gathering—including that of the Jews is under the direction of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Did that actually happen? Yes, it did.
After the restoration of these keys, Joseph Smith dispatched Orson Hyde, an apostle in the Church and a person of Jewish ancestry, to travel to what was then called Palestine, to dedicate it for the return of Israel. Hyde took almost two years to get there, traveling by sea to Europe. Along his journey, he stopped in the major Jewish centers in Europe: London, Paris, Amsterdam, and others to preach to communities of Jews. He gave them a message that the keys of the gathering had been given to a new prophet in this dispensation and that God wanted Israel to gather out of Europe and go back to the lands of their inheritance. Most Jews dismissed him and ignored the invitations and warnings he gave. Had they obeyed the prophetic word, there would have been few Jews in Europe to become victims of the Holocaust. God sent them a warning voice and they did not heed it. (This does not excuse Hitler’s actions; nevertheless, they were warned.)
Hyde ended up in Palestine in 1838. He went to the Mount of Olives and offered a dedicatory prayer to “turn the key” so to speak on Israel’s gathering. Interestingly,within months of his mission, the first Zionist societies began forming and interest grew in returning to Israel among some European Jews.
Let me ask some questions here, because I do not know the answers. The Cabal has been under control of a group of Jews for a long time. How long, I do not know—since the Crusades? Before that time? I can’t say. If they were, then they were active in Europe during the mission of Orson Hyde. What did they think of his mission? Did they even know about it? Did they deter their fellow Jews from returning to Israel and encourage them to remain in Europe, against prophetic counsel. I have read that, in the years before World War II, a council of European Jews voted to remove the phrase “Next year in Jerusalem” from the Passover Seder. Was this done at the behest of the Cabal’s Jewish agents? Did the Cabal betray their own people for the sake of their own power?
In the Q movement today, there is a lot of anti-Semitism. Some people accuse all Jews of being traitors and collaborators. People say this because they see the huge numbers of Jewish names who are influential in banking, government, science, medicine, Hollywood and the entertainment industry, and many fields that are currently under the Cabal’s control. Meanwhile, there are a lot of humble, faithful Jews who simply live in such a manner to bring honor to their father Abraham. They live justly, honor God, and live lives of kindness, peace, and service. They make up the majority of Jews in the world.
Are there non-Jewish conspirators? Most definitely. There is no reason to be anti-Semitic any more than there is to be anti-Mormon. We want to eliminate evil from all levels of our society and our world, regardless of what religion they profess and which God they serve.
There is a difference between the people of Israel and the state of Israel. Before the state of Israel was forced by Europeans upon the region, Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived together peacefully. After Israel the state was imposed, there has been war ever since. Who imposed the state upon the region? European Jews in the Cabal.
The last brick in the foundation of the Cabal’s satanic kingdom is the state of Israel. That’s what Q says they are saving for last. He has never explained why that is the case. I speculate that it is because every other leg of the evil structure must be collapsed first. Will Q be successful? Will he be able to stave off a global conflict for a generation or two before the Cabal makes its resurgence and the events of the Apocalypse eventually occur? We cannot say. We can only pray.
Personally, this latter-day saint prays for peace between people of goodwill of all faiths. The Muslims have been fighting the Cabal since the Crusades. Americans only recently began to awaken to the threat. Latter-day saints need to wake up and see what is going on. Together, unified, the children of Abraham: Isaac, Esau, Jacob, Ishmael, and Joseph can overcome this dangerous threat to peace in the world.
Expand your thinking.