The first time Joseph Smith saw God
In the First Vision,
What was the purpose of his prayer?
Why was that question important?
Is that question still important today?
“New Order Mormon” Jana Riess says no.
What does she say would be better questions to ask?
“Why religion?”
“How does the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints bless the world?”
“What experiences do we have to offer that will help individuals flourish?
“What hope does our religion provide people of a better life to come, even if they aren’t members of our faith?”
Why are those questions “better?”
What if there was no true church?
Would any of those questions make a difference?`
Why did the Lord tell Joseph to “go not after them?”
Why did the Lord call the man-made creeds an “abomination?”
What is the definition of an abomination?
What does it mean when something is inherently evil?
Are certain things, deeds, words, always harmful, degrading, debasing, dehumanizing,
Or lethal to the human person and the nature and stability of human culture?
In the interest of keeping peace and avoiding persecution,
Have we forgotten the message of the First Vision?
Why would a restoration be necessary,
If it did not make a difference?
Would there be a need for the Book of Mormon?
For keys and prophets and apostles,
And principles and ordinances?
Who are here to call and gather?
Where will the gathered gather
If there is no true Church?
Did our ancestors leave bloody footsteps in the snow
Or pull handcarts across the endless prairies and mountains
Or did Joseph Smith face martyrdom
Having asked God the wrong question?
Which question unlocks heaven?
Expand your thinking.
You have more than you know.