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What if Anti-Mormonism Destroys the USA?

Writer: ldsanonldsanon

In 2007, my wife made a curious statement. She said, "It's more than an election--it's as if America is making a choice." By this, she meant that it was more than just choosing a candidate. Americans were choosing a path to the future that was influenced by their views on Mormonism.

Watching the run-up to the 2008 election, when Mitt Romney first threw his hat into the ring for the Presidency, there was a huge spike in anti-Mormonism. The only other spike like it in "recent" history was when the Congress refused to seat polygamist B. H. Roberts when he was elected to represent Utah. All the negative press resulted in incidents of violence against Mormon nationwide.

A similar thing happened starting in 2007 continuing right up through the 2012 election when Mitt was the GOP's nominee. In addition to Mitt's candidacy, the Church's opposition to Proposition 8 in California incurred the hatred of gay-rights groups as well. Thus, we became the targets of hate from the liberal left and the evangelical right. There were dozens of incidents of vandalism against Church properties and the properties of its members. Arsonists burned our meetinghouses. Latter-day saints were assaulted. One miscreant tried to blow up one of our temples.

The first anti-Mormon choice caused evangelical Christians to reject Romney and choose McCain. Q-followers now know that "McNo-Name" was a traitor who had ties to ISIS and betrayed his country. We know that John McCain was "put to death." So the choice to reject Romney led indirectly to the election of Barack Obama. Barack Obama was a non-citizen, communist, gay man who couldn't keep his religion straight--remember George Stephanopolous had to correct him when he called it "my Muslim faith"--and who was married to a person he called Michael on a couple of occasions. Obama promised to "fundamentally transform" America. He intended to push it toward authoritarian socialism.

Romney's nomination was no better a choice for most Americans. Evangelicals stayed home out of their anti-Mormon animus, giving Obama the victory. Of course, now we don't know if RINO Romney would have been a better choice, but the point is that anti-Mormons were willing to allow America to crash-and-burn rather than have a Mormon be in the White House. Romney was just barely Mormon--a milquetoast Mormon who was too timid to stand up for his faith when he was challenged. How would people have reacted to him if he had been militantly and valiantly Mormon? That kind of religious bigotry against God's restored church risks withdrawal of his protective Spirit from the nation.

Obama tried to gut our military, destroy the economy, loot the treasury, and give the spoils to various globalist and leftist organizations. He added more to the national debt than all the presidents before him combined. Q-followers know about the 16-year plan that was to collapse the United States, started by Obama and to be concluded by Hillary. Highlights of the HRC-part of the plan included banning and confiscation of guns, Internet censorship, putting conservatives in re-education camps, and World War III with China leading to America's capitulation and occupation by UN troops and government by the New World Order.

Trump's election was a final offer of mercy to America. We know now that he was asked to run by the military, as an alternative to their having to overthrow the liberals who win elections by voter fraud. "The Plan," as Qanon calls it, involves exposing and overthrowing networks of corrupt criminals their their compromised agents. There is a military component to the plan that will arrest the Deep State criminals and protect us from their violent, radical minions. Supposedly, when it is all said and done, after a period called "Ten Days of Darkness," the country emerges on the other side of the ordeal with a minimum of damage and the Deep State criminals under arrest. America will be freed from the dominion of the Cabal.

That's where the anti-Mormonism comes in. If you spend time with Q-followers, you will discover that many of them are evangelical Christians who hate Freemasons, Catholics, Muslims, and most of all, Mormons. Others are godless secularists and skeptics who ridicule all religion. The spirit of anti-Mormon hatred is extremely strong among them. Although they believe that the MSM has lied to them for decades and that they have been awakened from believing "the Narrative," they won't accept the possibility that their mainstream churches (the MSCs) have lied to them to bias them against the Restoration of Christ's Church.

When, or if, Q manages to overthrow the Cabal, they are going to have the opportunity to build a new America--and when they do--they will try to exclude us. They will ban our missionaries from their communities, hem up temple construction using zoning boards, and turn a blind eye to incidents of persecution. Just today, I was informed by several of them that we worship Satan in our temple marriages, that we are covert Freemasons, and that we have tunnels full of kidnapped children under our temples.

Is the Spirit of God going to sustain that America? What happened to America the last time they drove us out? When Johnston's Army occupied the territory of Deseret, what caused the occupation to end suddenly? (Hint: it involved a big war between the North and the South that killed over 620,000 people.)

The latter-day saints really didn't take part in that war. Providentially, the war did not come to our mountain haven. True, there was a 90-day tasking by President Lincoln for the Mormon militia to patrol and protect some telegraph lines to the West Coast, and there was a handful of latter-day saint men who fought for the Confederacy. Overall, however, the "fateful lightnings of His terrible swift sword" were loosed, not upon the polygamists in the valleys of the mountains, but instead, upon those who murdered the Prophet Joseph and fought over the other of the "twin relics of barbarism"--slavery.

That is what happened the first time America turned against the saints of God. Do we expect that something similar will happen this time? There is a long, prophetic record from latter-day apostles and prophets that speak of a coming American civil war that drives the faithful to their refuges in Zion and leaves the godless and those who follow false gods to shed one anothers' blood.

My wife, full of empathy and discernment, rightly sensed the gravity of the moment in 2007. America was making a choice. When the time comes that Americans will seek safety and refuge, there will be a such a place in Zion. The question is whether or not they will reject the offer of deliverance when it is made by the Mormons they despise. It may be that they made that choice in 2007.


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