We are in an unprecedented time in America. The 2020 election has been a sting operation. I have seen raw data collected by Dominion voting machines that show manipulation to steal the election from Donald Trump. The Democrat Party and their Deep State allies are trying to execute a soft coup. In the next few weeks, I anticipate Trump’s lawyers will reveal this data at the Supreme Court. The evidence will be shocking and overwhelming. The proof will be clear. Whether or not the media covers it truthfully will make the difference between a violent backlash and the healing of our country.
I expect this will play out over the next several weeks. The constitutional path forward is for the Electoral College to meet on December 14th and cast their votes. If the states are not able to certify the votes, this could cause a problem. The next step is for the Congress to elect the President. In that instance, each state delegation gets one vote. There are over 30 Republican states, which means Trump will win, constitutionally and legally. The uninformed masses who think they elect the President will freak out. The Left will turn violent because it is game over for them. We will see riots in major cities, maybe even secession of a few states on the West Coast. This could lead to civil war, invasion by foreign powers, the UN, and other dire predictions about which our past prophets have warned us.
Interestingly, tomorrow the current Prophet is going to give us a message of hope and peace. The timing of this is unusual. The President of the Church can easily put out a statement instantly via email to Church members and to social media. This message has received the build-up of a countdown. It’s just a few days before Thanksgiving and it could just be a message of encouragement toward gratitude. It’s a little early for a Christmas message. This year’s First Presidency Christmas Devotional will be a repeat of a previous year’s broadcast. The timing of this announcement seems to give it greater weight than the standard holiday greetings from the Church leadership.
What will the Prophet tell us? Probably to be good neighbors, to love the Lord, read our scriptures, give service, and do our best to live in a way that allows us to hear the Lord’s voice in our lives. That’s always a message of peace and hope at any time, but I’m also sure the Prophet senses what is going on in the country, the changes coming, and the possibility of violent conflicts in the near future.
If Joe Biden is inaugurated, the World Economic Forum’s plans for a “Great Reset” are going to be shoved down our throats. If you are not familiar with that plan, it’s an exploitation of the Covid pandemic to reset the world economy and establish a truly socialist world order. They will offer citizens of all nations debt amnesty, at the cost of you surrendering all your property. Everyone will receive a government-provided living stipend. It will involve gun control. It will involve you getting mandatory vaccines and a “health passport” that shows you are properly immunized, without which you will not be able to leave your home, work, or even go shopping. It could end up putting people who refuse or resist in to isolation or detention until they comply. The WEF recently put up an article in which the writer extolled the coming system as “I don’t own any property. I don’t have any privacy. I’ve never been happier.”
Essentially what this “Great Reset” involves is the standing-up of a false Zion by 2030. The New World Order is a counterfeit Zion. It is Satan’s deception. It seeks to place all humans the the control of a world government, one which does not recognize their rights or their agency.
Therefore what do I wish for the Prophet to give us in a message of hope an peace? That the true Zion will begin to stand up in opposition to the devil’s counterfeit. I wish he would announce the opportunity to consecrate all our property to the Church and enter the United Order. Then, when the New World Order comes with their offer to take our property, we can say that we don’t own any property. We are stewards over property that belongs to the Church. I long for us to enter the “principles of union” that Lorenzo Snow said would sustain us like Noah’s Ark, when the floods of tribulation come upon the world in the last days.
That is the message of hope and peace I long to hear. Come, Lord Jesus. Come soon! Help us to build Zion and escape from Satan’s wicked dominion!
Your thoughts closely parallel my own. The thought occurred to me the other day that I might begin cataloguing my belongings (and labeling surplus) so that I could present a thorough list to my Bishop (whether solicited or not) should the "great reset" be pushed here.