UTAH POLITICS - MORMONS VS. EVERYONE ELSEUTAH POLITICS - MORMONS VS. EVERYONE ELSEI read a Salt Lake Tribune article today by Dan Harrie in which former liberal TV reporter (is there any other kind?) Rod Decker griped that Utah politics is dominated by the Mormons, who make up two-thirds of the state. Decker's fuzzy math showed that, if Mormons didn't vote for the GOP, Hillary and Al Gore both would have won the state. Well, doesn't that logic apply to any other GOP-connected group, like Southern Baptists in Texas?
Decker is promoting a new book on the subject titled, "Utah Politics: The Elephant in the Room." Decker claims that Utah is the most religiously polarized state. He traces the big split to 1973's Roe v. Wade decision, which sent most Christians into the GOP camp. The other way of looking at it was, between 1968 and 1973, the Democrat Party became radicalized and abandoned people who believed in God and traditional morality. Decker points out the "irony" that Mormons embraced nineteenth-century Protestant morality--the same that attacked us for polygamy.
What Decker misses entirely is that the left has become authoritarian and intolerant of religion. The only religious Democrats left are those who don't really remain true to the moral tenets of their faith. Look at abortion-promoting Pelosi who claims to be Catholic, but defies her own Pope with her political stands. Ilhan Omar, a Muslim, committed immigration fraud, married her own brother, lived with a man to whom she was not married, and recently, she was exposed has having had an extramarital affair with a married man. And for the life of me, I will never understand why Jews vote for a party that is absolutely treacherous toward Israel!
The sad part is that Utah, for being such a GOP stronghold, elects milquetoast RINOS to Congress. And why does Salt Lake City have Gentile mayors or gay ones? If we have such a majority there, how does that happen?
Since the beginning, both political parties have despised the latter-day saints. They only warm up to us when they want our vote. In the past, we used to have to switch sides based on which party spouted the most anti-Mormon rhetoric. During the Civil War, we were decidedly non-partisan and we were content to watch both sides try to annihilate the other.
The fact is that everyone has wanted to destroy us. When we were driven out of the United States, Brigham Young led us to a barren wasteland where Jim Bridger offered him a thousand bucks for the first bushel of corn he'd grow in the Salt Lake Valley. We took the land nobody wanted and made it desirable. Mormons raised up nice, friendly, safe communities. Now the refugees from California want to come and take it over and turn it into the liberal hellhole they fled. Illegal immigrants come in and make the communities unsafe. Gentiles bring their bars, coffee shops, and adult businesses to corrupt the lives of the young and gullible in the name of tolerance.
In the past, Mormons castrated Gentiles (including a federal governor) who accosted latter-day saint females in inappropriate sexual manners. Even the Army knew to leave us alone or they'd have a fight on their hands. Brigham Young threatened to personally kill Gentile men who violated our daughters. Now, in the name of tolerance, we countenance gay men wanting to hold hands and kiss in church. (A recent study showed that such a spectacle has the same effect on straight men as watching maggots slither out of a piece of roadkill.)
There is nowhere else in the world to which the latter-day saints can flee now. The world is full. We must defend our home base. Politics is the only legal way to do that now, until the chastening hand of the Lord erects a barrier between the wicked and the righteous. Until then, voting is how we preserve our heritage and our future. Don't back off. Don't back down. Vote them out. Stand your ground and defend it. The alternative is unthinkable.
Could you give examples where voters can have displays of righteousness in contrast to self-righteousness?