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The War on Men in the Church

Writer: ldsanonldsanon

It's really sad to see that Satan's war on men continues to make inroads into the Church. A white American male has been framed as the bad guy in almost every possible situation by liberals in America. Never mind that they built a country that exports foreign aid, food, and technology to the rest of the planet in ways that alleviate hunger, rescue people from natural disasters, and protect freedom of people in far-flung lands. White American men brought civilization, order, and peace to areas in the world where it had been previously unknown and, often, it has been at the cost of their own blood.

White American men, as found in the Church, largely consists of the descendants of Ephraim, the son of Jacob through whom God promised to gather the scattered tribes of Israel and proclaim the gospel to the world in the last days. By that very callng, the people called have had to undergo a transformation in the hands of God. That calling is a burden. It required white, American men in the Church to humble themselves before their Maker, repent, and respond to the need for change when the mission required it. Only a fool in the Church aspires to leadership and the sometimes-painful reshaping process that the Molder of Mortal Clay imposes upon him.

Both men and women, as well as people of other races, undergo God's reshaping process when they submit their agency to Him. Nevertheless, the burden of leadership, which God placed upon the Sons of Ephraim in this dispensation, put a bulls-eye on their collective backs. Satan directs his fiery darts toward them in many ways. Today, more than every before, a lust-drenched society presses upon them. Men are constantly bombarded with images and advertising that are intended to appeal to carnal desires. I'm now an old man, but I get emails several times a week that sneak through the spam filter, telling me that young, voluptuous Russian babes are looking for me. I can't get through an episode of America's Got Talent without being exposed to at least one Victoria's Secret commercial. Every other television commercial shows fathers as amiable morons to their wives and children. Other commercials constantly show mixed-race families, sending the message that it's unacceptable that millions of white men married white women. And don't even get started about the gay thing.

This climate of man-bashing is now active in the Church. Intellectuals and writers in the Church attack "patriarchy" and its prevalence. Priesthood leaders are constantly under fire for not listening to women. The highest authorities in the Church are constantly criticized for not offering the priesthood to women. An article today from Jana Riess, one of those LDS feminists who tiptoes right up to the edge of the line of apostasy, but doesn't quite step over, claims that LDS men are conditioned not to listen to women. In the feminist world, women want men for things like killing bugs, putting air in the tires, checking the oil, and lifting heavy stuff from time to time. They insist men are superfluous. Feminism is of the devil inasmuch as it attacks the role of men in the Church.

Before the Church ever existed in any dispensation, there was the Patriarchal Order. This is the natural order God ordained: priesthood-bearing men empowered to teach their families the principles of exaltation is the divine pattern. Men like Abraham independently established a miniature kingdom of God within their families. They worked, taught, performed ordinances, and sometimes fought to defend their loved ones. When the Church's mission is done, in eternity, there will be the Patriarchal Order. Women have a role in that order. It is not subservient. It is a partnership with their husband, but God has given him the keys. The man is not without the woman, neither the woman without the man.

The ultimate image is that of the veils. We enter life through a veil and we enter heaven through one. The first veil is woman. No one enters mortality through any other way. To enter exaltation, one enters via the male. No one enters the Celestial Kingdom without passing through both veils. There is no other way. Mormon "feminists" need to get that understanding. We are in this together. Constantly attacking the men who are called upon--who were foreordained--to lead the Church is attacking the God whose wisdom placed them there. It weakens the Church and threatens souls. Build up Zion. Don't tear down those who are building the refuge to protect you from the coming storm.


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