Doctrine and Covenants Section 87 is called "The Prophecy on War." Some Latter-day Saints point to it as proof of Joseph Smith's prophetic calling. Uninformed critics use it to demonstrate falsely that Joseph Smith was a false prophet.
The revelation, recorded on Christmas of 1831, accurately predicted that the Civil War would begin in South Carolina and that it would occur because of the slavery question. Some people think this was just common sense, but thirty years out from the start of the war, this was remarkable. The prophecy also says that the Southern states woud appeal to Great Britain for support, which did indeed occur.
Anti-Mormon critics often point to this part of the prophecy because it was not specifically fulfilled during the Civil War.
4 And it shall come to pass, after many days, slaves shall rise up against their masters, who shall be marshaled and disciplined for war.
5 And it shall come to pass also that the remnants who are left of the land will marshal themselves, and shall become exceedingly angry, and shall vex the Gentiles with a sore vexation.
Although there were some black regiments in the Union army, there was not a general slave uprising during the war. The prophecy address details about the Civil War, but it looks beyond that time all the way to the final wars preceding the establishment of Zion. It says "after many days," which in scriptural language indicates a long time. Long after the Civil War, there will come a time when the "slaves" shall rise up against their masters, who will be preparing for a war.
The prophecy does not say who it means when it says "slaves." Does it mean African Americans? Does it mean the sheep who rise up against the Cabal? With the race riots happening now, which have us teetering on the edge of a second civil war, the first interpretation could be the case. If not, it could mean the general uprising of the people against the globalist Cabal that has enslaved humanity and seeks to overthrow our liberty.
The last part of the prophecy talks about the "remnants who are left of the land." That means the Native Americans. This scripture can be linked to 3rd Nephi 20:16 where Jesus himself prophesied that the "remnant of Jacob," (the Lamanites) would rise up against the Gentiles (white Europeans). This "remnant" will also build the New Jerusalem, assisted by believing Gentiles (latter-day saints of European ancestry).
The prophecy predicts a great period of tribulation that will drive the saints to their knees, calling upon God for deliverance. The tribulation will make a "full end of all nations." The present world order will collapse and it will be reconstituted under the kingdom of God, established in Zion.
We can see current events leading to the fulfillment of this prophecy. As the Lord has promised, though the heavens and earth should pass away, his word will not fail to be fulfilled, every jot and tittle.