History repeats, they say.
Polybius, Tacitus, and ancient [h]istorians
Saw the Pattern.
Anarchy (the strongest dominates) to monarchy,
Monarchy to democracy,
Democracy to plutocracy,
Pl[u]tocracy to tyranny,
Tyranny to anarchy.
The Book of [M]ormon
Describes the Pattern.
We call [i]t the Pride Cycle.
People are righteous,
People get blessed,
Materia[l] comfort increases,
Classes based on wealth and education form.
Poverty fosters class resentment.
The wealthy explo[i]t the poor.
Outside enemies arise and threaten.
War brings suffering, loss, and repentance.
Repen[t]ance brings humility.
Humility turns to obedience and righteousness.
The Pattern begins anew.
The Pride c[y]cle follows economic laws and spiritual laws.
Meekness and obedience can break the cycle temporarily.
When Christ returns, the wicked are destroyed,
Thus ending the Pride Cycle.