The followers of Q call it "The Great Awakening," this realization that the world has been under control of a corrupt Cabal for generations. There have been two Great Awakenings in US history so far. The first two were related to the expansion of evangelical Christianity. The second one created the religious uproar that troubled young Joseph Smith, who grew up in the "burned-over district" of western New York and led him to ask God about which of these Christian sects was the true Church. We latter-day saints are not an offshoot of the Great Awakenings, but we benefited from the turning over of the spiritual soil so to speak. If we are indeed in a third great awakening, we can anticipate another milestone in the evolution of Zion.
Q followers are astonished to discover that the Roman Catholic Church is run by a corrupted priesthood, many of whom are homosexuals. The Roman Church has covered up the rape of nuns and molestation of children by its clergy for centuries. They may be surprised, but not us. The Book of Mormon describes a great and abominable church that is utterly corrupt and what its end will be. It is clear from the text which church is the great and abominable one.
We were and still are the objects of persecution for saying that the Roman Catholic Church is the mother of harlots spoken of by John the Revelator. Who are the harlots? The illegitimate children of the whore of Babylon. They are the quarrelsome, bickering Protestants. As their parent was an apostate, so are they. As the priesthood of the mother Church is false, so is the "priesthood of all believers." As there is no apostolic authority in the Roman Church, so there is none among the Protestants.
For Q followers who are awakening to the long history of the Cabal's machinations, you should not be surprised. We told you, because the Book of Mormon tells us, that secret combinations--organized conspiracies to overthrow mankind's freedom--have been in the world since Cain. We know how they operated and what their goals are. We know that they were responsible for the collapse of two civilizations here in the Americas. We know that this conspiracy will be active in the last days because the Book of Mormon forewarned us. Now you are awakening, but we have seen if for nearly 200 years.
We tried to tell you. We sent out countless thousands of missionaries over the past two centuries. We tried to warn you to believe so you could prepare. We tried to tell you that Zion will be for a safety and a refuge. Now, perhaps you are starting to see, but you still have the final, logical leap to complete the journey.
Those of you who have been awakened to the danger, you must be awakened to the deliverance provided. God has given his Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints living prophets and apostles. We have a plan that has been revealed. We have been working and preparing for a long, long time. The strength and safety you seek is within Zion, the covenant people whom God has called in these last days. The door is open. Come in and see. Find what you seek. Be ready when the time comes. The Bridegroom is coming. Awaken to see the glorious dawn that is now on the horizon.