We don’t say it very loud
Because it invites persecution,
But the world is waking up to it now.
Is there a “great and abominable church?”
One that is “…most abominable above all other churches,
Which slayeth the saints of God, yea, and tortureth them
And bindeth them down,
And yoketh them with a yoke of iron,
And bringeth them down into captivity[?]”
A church wherein, “…gold, and the silver,
And the silks, and the scarlets,
And the fine-twined linen, and the precious clothing,
And the harlots, are the desires
Of this great and abominable church.”
What was the woman that John saw in vision
On Patmos?
The one who was carried into the wilderness
And fed from the mouth of the serpent?
The one who sat “upon a scarlet coloured beast,
With seven heads and ten horns,
Full of names of blasphemy?”
The woman arrayed in purple and scarlet,
Decked with gold, precious stones, and pearls,
Having a golden cup in her hand, filled with
Abominations and filthiness?
Drunken with the blood of the saints and the
Martyrs of Jesus?
Did John give us a clue?
About the seven heads, the seven hills,
Upon which the woman sat?
What is the city of seven hills
That reigned over the kings of the earth?
You have more than you know.