The Elders of Israel
We have been told
That the Constitution
Will hang by a thread.
And if it is to be [s]aved,
It will be by the Elders of Israel.
Who are the Elders of Isr[a]el?
Not Jews?
Are all Israelites Jews?
Another land with a Dead Sea?
The "utmost bound of the e[v]erlasting hills?"
Why do many Mormons work for NSA?
Why do[e]s NSA recruit at BYU?
White hats?
Clean living = high clearance.
Why do Mormons believe
The Constitution to be [i]nspired by God?
Why do Mormons reverence
The Constitution
Almost as much as scrip[t]ure?
Is the Constitution ha[n]ging
by a thread?
Is it time?
Is Huber a Morm[o]n?
[W]here is the NSA data store?
Connect the dots.
Joseph in Egypt.