The embedded code
Is there such a thing as
Spiritual DNA?
Did God encode our souls
With the ability to recognize truth?
Can we know for ourselves?
Why did he say “My sheep hear my voice?”
Who are his sheep?
Who is the Shepherd?
When we hear truth, how does it feel?
What did two disciples on the road to Emmaus feel
When the disguised, risen Lord spoke to them
Of his death and resurrection?
What does it feel like
To have your heart burn within you?
Jonathan Edwards wrote about
“...A sweet burning in my heart; an ardor of soul that I know not how to express.”
Edwards also said
“Sometimes, only mentioning a single word caused my heart to burn within me;
Or only seeing the name of Christ...”
Spiritual DNA?
James 1:5
Moroni 10:4
You have more than you know.
Can you hear the Shepherd’s voice?