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Some Beginning-of-the-Year Business

Writer's picture: ldsanonldsanon

I have a busy life and sometimes I let my admin duties get away from me. I write when I can, but it seems I have been negligent in answering comments. The Wix platform doesn't notify me when any one comments so I don't check the comments page--ever. I'll have to remedy that. Sorry if you commented two years ago and I never answered!

Some of the early comments mentioned that the "Publish" button didn't work. I'm not much of a web designing expert. I just plug in the little modules for the features I want. I wasn't aware that Wix provided a blog interface for site members. It appears, for that feature to work, I have to set permissions for people to post and publish. That's why the button didn't work. Sorry, but I don't plan on allowing others to post. I don't have enough time to do editorial and content duties for other people. I have tried to remove those features so as not to get your hopes up. Again, apologies for the confusion.

I also removed the forum and video tabs from the main page. Nobody used the forums anyways and, as for the videos, YouTube censorship took down most of the videos that I had linked. The Cabal-owned social media is clamping down on anons' attempts to get the truth out. Likewise, the memes page is also history. Most of them are dated and you can find them in other places. Hopefully these changes make the page load faster and be less glitchy.

Now, I'll reply to some of the more recent comments. First, to Rob Greenwell, who wrote:

"Are you President Nelson or did he commission you to do this? Does this mean that Marvin J Ashton and James E Faust, being Democrats, were fighting for the wrong squad? How is Trump the champion when his life has always been dishonest and hedonistic? By his fruits you should know him. Would Christ respond the way Trump does through ugly tweets on a daily basis? Just confused and curious!"

Obviously, no I'm much younger than President Nelson and he's a better writer than I am. No he didn't commission me to do this. I do this work in the spirit of 3 Nephi 6,

"And there began to be men inspired from heaven and sent forth, standing among the people in all the land, preaching and testifying boldly of the sins and iniquities of the people, and testifying unto them concerning the redemption which the Lord would make for his people, or in other words, the resurrection of Christ; and they did testify boldly of his death and sufferings."

In a time of great wickedness, just prior to the collapse of the Nephite government, God inspired people to testify and preach boldly. The priesthood gives all of us a general commission to testify of Christ and to invite people to repent. The rest of the info I provide here comes from my education in history (I have a master's degree) and many years working in military intelligence as well as decades of studying the scriptures.

Regarding Rob's objections to Trump being called as a "champion" despite his "dishonesty" and "hedonism." I would remind Rob that God has used corrupt men in the past to do things that had important impacts on Israel, most particularly King Cyrus in the Old Testament. I would also guard against self-righteousness when evaluating those whom God calls for his purposes. The Pharisees regarded Jesus and his apostles as low-life rabble, uneducated, and consorts of sinners. God sees the heart. As President, Trump has kept his promises better than the Cabal members who preceded him. That's a step-up!

To Kenny, who thinks Q is a joke. Well, we shall not have long to see. I'm writing this on New Year's Day in 2021. If Trump goes away and Biden is inaugurated, we'll know we were duped. If the Storm comes in the next 20 days, we'll know that Q was right. Personally, I have studies all the Q drops and I find it unlikely that the stuff he got right was coincidence. The way the MSM and the Deep State acts regarding Q tells me that the movement is a threat to them.

To Steve Seelig, the disabled vet who has hard feelings toward Latter-day Saint neighbors. Three months ago, Steve wrote two comments (grammar and spelling original):

"joe Joseph Smith stold and bastardized the rituals from the Hoppi Indians, and the free masons then offered men sexual advantages to grow his beliefs.

"I believe every person has the right to believe in what they want to believe in and follow. BUT WHEN A GROUP OF MORMONS TELL A 100% DISABLED FROM COMBAT VETERAN THAT BECAUSE HE IS NOT A MORMON HE DOES NOT BELONG IN A NOW MORMON NEIGHBORHOOD....SUCKS!!!"

These kinds of posts are hard to respond to. I was a ghost writer for several years on a site that dealt with anti-Mormon and ex-Mormon attacks. This is very similar to the kinds of stuff we received there. The initial message attacks Joseph Smith, the founding prophet of the Church. Then it includes the false information about the source of our temples and repeats anti-Mormon lies about Joseph Smith's morals. Then he follows up with a second comment, a personal mini-screed about Mormons discriminating against him, a disabled veteran.

I would say that, it's hard to win friends among Mormons when you disparage Joseph Smith. Did you really WANT to be friends with Latter-day Saints, whom you believe follow a false prophet? Doubtful.

The last part of the comment is interesting, where Mr. Seelig says he is is not welcome in a "now Mormon neighborhood." Did you live in a neighborhood that suddenly became Mormon, perhaps because of a newly-built temple in the community? Either way, you sound like the Missourians of our past history. When Latter-day Saints gathered in sizable numbers in Jackson County, Missouri in the 1830s, the old settlers resented them. They came in such numbers as to change the demographics of the community. They feared LDS northerners (abolitionists, mostly) would bring free blacks into the area and that they would vote to get rid of slavery, which was legal at the time in "Ole Mizzou." In that instance, the old citizens formed up mobs and burned homes, beat the men, raped the women, and dashed the brains out of children, after having disarmed them first.

That's what anti-Mormons do when they can get away with it. Now, I would suggest that you repent of any anti-Mormonism you have in your heart, treat Mormons like the fellow Christians they are, and you'll find that they are very friendly. Just don't get offended if they decline the proffered beer or sweet tea. They're not judging you.

That concludes the catch-up work on the backed-up administration tasks. I wish you all a very happy new year!


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