Mitt Romney made a statement criticizing Trump for not condemning Qanon as a baseless conspiracy theory in his town hall meeting with Savannah Guthrie. When asked by Guthrie about Qanon, Trump denied any knowledge of the movement and simply explained that he knew the Qanon people were strongly against pedophilia, something with which he agreed. The MSM has been flipping out ever since because Trump won't disavow the movement.
Romney has come out as an anti-Trump establishment Republican, whose hands are dirty from his connections to the globalist swamp. In a statement he made on October 16, Mitt jumped on the bandwagon and piled on POTUS for not disavowing Q. In his statement, Romney let slip what the elites' real fear is regarding Qanon. He wrote, "As both parties rush down a rabbit hole, they may be opening the door to a political movement that could eventually eclipse them both."
That is exactly what is happening. George Washington warned us of the dangers of political parties. He said undue partisanship could strain the ties that hold the nation together. That's what the Romneys and Pelosis of the world have brought us. In the final stages of dividing the country, a new movement has emerged that intends to unite the country based on truth, not politics.
From the beginning, Q has asked questions. Those questions guide independent researchers. The corporate news media doesn't really research anymore. It parrots talking points handed down to it from their bosses. They disparage true independent researchers and bash the truth as a conspiracy theory. Meanwhile, more and more people are waking up and signing off. Nobody believes them any more. Both parties are guilty of misleading the people and people are waking up to that fact. Asking questions has led us to find answers they never wanted us to find.
Mitt has it right on this one. Both parties could collapse and American find unity around the truth for the first time in hundreds of years. The only ones who have need to worry is those whose power depends on maintaining the deceptions of the past.