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Romney’s Demise

Writer: ldsanonldsanon

One way to discern truth from error on a particular issue is to observe those who oppose it. Let’s take the Church itself as a topic of opposition. Who opposes it? Sectarian Christians AND the irreligious attack the Church. I once observed an anti-Mormon Evangelical Christian colluding with a militant atheist during an online debate discussing how to take me down as a defender of the faith. It reminded me of that scripture that asks, “What fellowship hath light with darkness?”

Whenever you see people whose lifestyle or policies advocate principles clearly contrary to those taught in the scriptures, you know that those people are evil. Everyone has good and bad in them. Every one of us is a sinner. Unrepentant people who militantly advocate sinning are something altogether different. They are partisans on the devil’s side. They fight against light and truth. They fight against God while declaring they hold the moral high ground.

A case in point of this kind of person would be Nancy Pelosi. She is an execrable wretch of a person who seeks to cloak her wrongdoing under her supposed Catholic faith. She “prays” for the President while wearing a bullet bracelet to the state of the Union and handing out bullet-pens at the signing of the impeachment papers. She is part of a conspiracy that is alleged to have attempted to assassinate the President. She lies. She cheats. She covets power and exercises unrighteous dominion. She advocates for taking the life of unborn children—against the tenets of her own faith. Yet she feigns righteous indignation when Trump suggests that she hypocritically uses religion as a cloak to hide her wrongdoing.

Now, on to Mitt Romney. This week, Mitt Romney ended his political future. By voting “guilty” to the first charge of impeachment, Romney marked himself as a pariah. He betrayed the loyalty of the President,whose support he sought in his race to become one of Utah’s senators. In the wake of his guilty vote, Democrats have sung his praises and his integrity. Some MSM outlets have even run headlines asking if Romney fullfilled the “White Horse Prophecy” in so doing.

Think back to Romney’s own presidential campaign. The MSM and the Dems blasted him, claiming that he believed his own presidency would fulfill that same prophecy. They ridiculed him and they ridiculed the Church. They teased him, and through him—us, about Mormon underwear and other things we saints consider holy. They used Romney to attack the Church and the Church to attack Romney. Many of us stood up for him, not because Romney was the best candidate, but the attacks against the Church were insufferable. We had to speak out and defend our faith. In so doing, we stuck up for Brother Romney, too.

The very hypocrites that blasted Romney and his religion now praise him for it and suggest he fulfilled a supposed Mormon prophecy they ridiculed just a few years ago. When you are praised by people who are evil, you can be pretty sure you crossed a line somewhere. Romney crossed that line. He has joined their ranks. We don't want the praise of Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, and Schumer. Mitt ought to feel like that scene from It's a Wonderful Life when George Bailey gets that lucrative job offer from the wicked Mr. Potter.

If you look at recent photos of Mitt, something has changed. Jesus said the light of the body is the eyes. There is spiritual light that gleams from the eyes. People see it. I have had people tell me that it was easy to spot Mormons because we “glow.” I don’t know about that, but I have heard it from enough people to know that at least some of us radiate a spiritual light that others can “see” or sense. Look at Romney’s eyes now. That light is gone. He has sold his soul.

The Cabal has something on him. Perhaps, when his wife was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, he went to the Cabal—who Q says has cures for diseases that they have kept for themselves—to get treatment for his wife. It is remarkable that she rides horses and leads such an active life with MS. Perhaps Romney is seeking protection for his family. One of his sons is known to have lucrative business ties in Ukraine. With the Ukraine scandal about to unravel, the Bidens, Kerry, Pelosi, and Romney have family that are involved there. Or maybe the Cabal just put the screws to Romney by making threats on his family. Who knows?

Poor Mitt. Republicans won’t trust him again. Dems scorn and laugh at him secretly. He is not welcome even among them. He may get recalled in Utah. If not, he will serve one term. If he is caught up in scandal, he may even be found out by the Durham investigations and end up in jail. Nobody is going to escape this. I feel sorry for any brother who falls into the clutches of the Cabal. Mitt Romney’s demise is at hand.


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