Qanon is not a religious movement and Q is not a prophet. Qanon does not replace faith in Christ and in the necessity of heeding the counsels of God’s prophets. Nevertheless, Q is a source of information that has proven more than fairly reliable. As a student of the Q drops since the first few months after Q surfaced, and based on my own experience in military intelligence, Q clearly has access to insider information. The information he has produced has kept us informed of events sometimes months before they occur. The longer this process goes on, the more we see that Q had a foreknowledge of events as long as two years out from their occurrence.
There is nothing religious or spiritual about this. One anon once asked Q in a Q&A session on 8Chan how he knows these things about future events. Q answered with one word: “Control.” If you control events as they develop, you determine outcomes. Many people speculate that Q team has access to advanced artificial intelligence systems which games out scenarios very effectively. Others have speculated that his cryptic references to POTUS having “opened the door of doors” and to a project called “Looking Glass” that the team has technology that allows them to see into the future. Personally, I don’t buy either of those explanations entirely. Most of what has happened seems to be determined by predictable human nature.
If you have an organization whose primary purpose is exercising power with a global reach, that is preoccupied with the accumulation of extraordinary wealth, and has a historical connection to the occult, you can predict with a great deal of accuracy how they will respond to a given set of conditions. Military planners study game theory and go to great lengths to formulate contingencies to every likely scenario our forces might encounter. In the real world, constraints of power, money, communications, and the weaknesses of human nature come to bear in a finite number of possibilities. With that introduction, let’s examine some Q predictions that appear to be unfolding. Again, “prediction” is probably the wrong word. These are not predictions in a mystical or prophetic sense, but instead, they are prognostications based on planning and intelligence.
Military rule is coming to America. One of the repeated messages of Q is that “military is the only option.” Q claims that every single organ of government has been corrupted to the core. When likened to a human body, when the immune system is compromised, the body can fall prey to any number of diseases. Without a proper immune system, the body can’t heal itself. In government, the immune system consists of two parts. The first is the justice system; the second is the press.
If the justice system is compromised, then we arrive at the condition of which the Book of Mormon speaks about judges who give favorable verdicts to friends and members of the secret combinations with which they are associated. We see this today in the two-tiered justice system that refuses to prosecute the elites for crimes, but throws the book at political enemies. Compare the treatment of Hillary Clinton and General Flynn, for example. In Hillary’s case, it is clear that she illegally handled top secret emails on an unsecured, private server. Each instance ought to get her 30 years in Leavenworth and she has dozens of instances, but she has yet to be charged. In Flynn’s case, the FBI fabricated evidence, altered documents, and lost, hid, or destroyed exculpatory evidence to frame the General of crimes he did not commit.
This happens with the IRS, where patriotic groups are targeted for harassing audits while liberal groups go untouched. Reverend Al Sharpton has owed the IRS a huge amount of money in unpaid taxes, but the government has not seized his assets and he had a long-running show on MSNBC. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes allegedly owes the IRS money and Omar Ilhan is alleged to have married her brother to get around immigration law and avoid taxes. Rosie O’Donnell was accused of violating campaign finance laws by donating five times the amount of money allowed to a politician. Meanwhile, conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza was sentenced to 18 months in prison and mandatory psychiatric screenings for violating campaign donation limits to a friend who was running for office.
The press, or mainstream media (MSM), is also a part of the immune system. It is the press that alerts the body politic that something is amiss. The press in the United States has always been partisan. The country started with debates between federalist and anti-federalist newspapers. That’s perfectly fine. It is not illegal for the press to have bias. The problem we have today is that billionaires and multinational corporations have bought up the press outlets and they control content. They suppress conservative content. Out of the six major news networks, only one offers any conservative positions in a favorable light. This has led to the rise of citizen journalists and bloggers who advocate for conservative views, but they are excluded from the pipeline of media and often, they are blocked or shadowbanned on social media.
If the body politic has become infected with corruption, but the immune system does not alert us to the situation—or worse—it gives us false information about the problem, the body can find itself in mortal danger. That is where we find ourselves today.
Qanon has told us that we are “watching a movie.” We are watching events play out as they have been scripted. What the movie is revealing to us is that corruption goes deep and has infected every organ of government. The House, the Senate, the Supreme Court are all compromised. The agencies of government, including the Justice Department are corrupt. The Russiagate and Flynn scandals illustrate this. The message people are getting, even those who don’t follow Q, is that the system is too sick to be healed. At a certain point, the rot in the foundation is so profound that there is no shoring it up or repairing it. The building has to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up.
The only organization that has not been totally corrupted through and through is the military. Q has repeatedly told us that the military is the only option left. By this, he means that a military takeover is going to be necessary. We are inching toward this. The Q intelligence dissemination program has been running to inform Americans so they will be prepared. The seizure of power by our military is going to be traumatic. If it were done without preparing the populace, the possibility of civil war—particularly with the daily disinformation Americans receive from the MSM—would be very likely.
In an October 2016 campaign video from then candidate Trump, the future POTUS explained that his mission was to replace the corrupt establishment with a new government. Process that a minute: a new government, responsive and accountable to the people. The rest of the speech goes on to describe the struggle ahead. This was not a campaign speech. It was a declaration of war on the Deep State. Draining the swamp was more than a campaign slogan. From the beginning, Trump has been on a crusade to stand up a new, Constitutional government. That means the old, corrupted government must come down.
Q informed us that there will be a brief period of unrest during the transition. There will be unrest in major cities, which we are beginning to see right now. There will be riots, which we are seeing now. There will be arrests of high-level Cabal players. We will be seeing these shortly. Just this week Senate hearings began investigating the Russiagate scandal. This will implicate President Obama, Joe Biden, and others within his administration. The Deep State, seeing it is about to lose power permanently will use its controlled media assets to spread disinformation and panic; therefore, the press will have to be temporarily silenced. The television news, newspapers, and even the Internet will be shut down for a brief period. During this time, emergency messages will come to Americans through the Presidential Alerting System.
The recent riots have escalated just as General Flynn’s exoneration is imminent and the Senate begins hearings on Russiagate. The Corona virus and the riots have been attempts to destroy the Trump presidency and keep control of the media narrative. Yet the truth goes out on the Internet, even while Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube attempt to silence people telling it.
As Latter-day Saints, we have been counseled to be prepared for our families to have food, water, shelter, and the necessities of life in case of a time of disruption. This is good advice for people who might face natural disasters like hurricanes or earthquakes. However, a political earthquake is occurring right now in front of us. What will you need to have to ensure your family’s survival, security, and comfort during the approaching time of military rule?
Do not panic. The military are the good guys. The generals are patriots who have sworn to defend the Constitution. Constitutional government will return once the infection is purged from the body. It will take some time, but if we support the good guys, they will succeed. Pray for our President and the military’s success. Pray that the people will be peaceful and that the evildoers will be removed from power. The words of our Prophet will guide us, but realize that most people don’t have that resource available in their worldview. If you have the Holy Spirit, a living prophet, and access to good intelligence from Q, that is a wealth of blessings in a time of deep uncertainty. If you are prepared, you won't fear.