On October 28, 2017, Q entered the national cultural lexicon. This is where many skeptics go wrong from the start. They claim that Q told the world that Hillary Clinton was going to be arrested on Halloween 2017 at a specific time. What these critics miss is that Q never posted that information. Q's first post responded to that post from an anon on 4Chan.
This is Q's response. With some hindsight and all we have learned from Q so far, it reads very differently now.
HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.
Three years down the road, with experience and context, we anons have learned of "deltas." In brief, Q knew that the nation's enemies would monitor his comms and that they would react to negate whatever actions the Q team and POTUS would attempt. Knowing that, Q often put information regarding future actions in posts sometimes as far as two years out. Things Q said would happen, would happen on the precise date, but exactly one or two years from the time readers supposed. I'm not going to detail these here, because they are very involved. Curious researchers may wish to check out this link to obtain this "sauce."
So let's assume loosely that the first Q drop is predictive regarding events on future dates. It's easy to be wrong trying to interpret Q drops and make predictions based on them. I have been mistaken several times, but it's always an interesting and fun exercise. Understanding that Q never said a date and time for Hillary's arrest, let's look at the first drop now from a position of greater understanding and the context of current events before the 2020 election.
First, this drop was made on October 28, 2017. Let us therefore use that as the starting "delta" and associate it with that date in 2020. Q told us that "HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am."
The drop doesn't mention her arrest, but it says that she will be fleeing apprehension outside the United States. The government will be looking to have her extradited from whatever country in which she will have taken refuge. Her passport will be flagged in case she tries to cross an international border from one foreign country to another. She won't be in the US. The administrative action flagging her passport will happen at midnight on "10/30." Note that Q did not include a year.
The flagging of HRC's passport will probably not be publicly known. The MSM will probably not report anything about it. Headlines from yesterday have sent a shockwave among Deep State criminals. Trump ordered the immediate declassification of all information about their activities to overthrow his administration. Hillary's name already figures prominently in recently declassfied materials, with some of them showing that she was the originator of the Russia hoax/scandal. We know that Obama was briefed about it.
Many anons have speculated that we will see some of these players leaving for other countries to escape having to testify or face prosecution. Perhaps Hillary is going to conveniently be outside the country just prior to the election. Keep your eye out for any information that might indicate this.
The second part of the drop warned of social unrest, riots, and others fleeing the US. We already know that the Dems have prepared contingencies for after the election to stir up riots and unrest. They have even war-gamed the secession of three western states following a Trump victory. Q advised us to check with National Guard members about activations at month's end.
These articles mention the activation of two states' National Guard and that others may also follow suit.
The second Q drop tells us to keep an eye on Huma Abedin, who has been a longtime HRC confidante and aide. The third drop tells us to watch for National Guard activation in 12 cities.
Q doesn't name another date until drop #15, where he told us:
11.3 - Podesta indicted
11.6 - Huma indicted
So is it possible that these dates are upcoming deltas? Hillary on the run overseas and her former campaign manager, Podesta, and her consort Huma indicted? Again, it doesn't mention dates of arrests, just the indictments.
With the long-awaited DECLAS, the pressure is going to mount as more information of Deep State crimes will be revealed. We may see some of these people indicted and maybe see some low-level arrests. Again, Q didn't predict dates of arrests. Keep your eyes open and keep your hopes high. Pray for the success of Q, POTUS, and the Patriots.