Mormons and Masons
Does Satan create
Or does he imitate?
True prophets vs. false prophets.
Nimrod vs. Abraham
Pharaoh vs. Moses
Priests of Baal vs. Elijah
Caiaphas vs. Jesus
Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
They imitate the true yet deny the Truth.
“They have transgressed the laws,
Changed the ordinance,
Broken the everlasting covenant.”
They have a “form of godliness” but deny the power thereof:
From such turn away.
Are two thinGs the same
Because they look similar?
Mormons and Baptists both
Baptize by immersion.
Are Mormons Baptists?
If Masonic rites resemble
Mormonism’s temple ordinances
Are Mormons Masons?
Think logically.
How can you discern
A spiritual counterfeit?
James 1:5-6
He who has ears to hear...