Q has told us that partisanship isn’t the answer. The battle is between good and evil. The Cabal owns people on both sides of the political aisle. Left or right makes little difference. It has always been that way.
The history of the United States is poorly understood by most. Patriots stand for the Constitution, but they really don’t understand why we have it to begin with. Our first constitution was called the Articles of Confederation, but history classes you took in school tell you that the Articles were too week and they kept the country from being governed effectively. The United States was in a terrible way economically after winning its independence. We couldn’t afford to pay the soldiers who fought for freedom. They were angry and threatened to overturn the government, most particularly the Society of Cincinnatus. George Washington himself went to speak to the group to assuage their concerns and convince them to stand by the country. We had foreign debts. The states didn’t want to pay their fair share of taxes when they were struggling on their own. There wasn’t enough gold to back a national currency. However, those things were not the main reasons for ditching the Articles of Confederation. It was the bankers that brought about the Constitution.
Shay’s Rebellion and similar revolts prompted the Constitutional convention. In colonial times, there was always a divide between the wealthy landowners who owned slaves and the common people: tenant farmers, tradesmen, and storekeepers who worked for a living. Due to the economic problems, many of the common people couldn’t pay their debts. The rich bankers would get the sheriff to evict them from the property and seize the debtors’ belonging. The bankers weren’t stupid. They waited until the farmer’s crop came in. Not only did they take back their land, they stole the farmer’s labor by taking his crop as well. Fed up with the situation, and taking advantage of the equality provided by the “weak” Articles of Confederation, the common people stood up against the banks. They harassed sheriffs who came to do the evictions. They blocked the auctioning of properties. It was a revolt of the common people against the wealthy elites and the banks.
The elites had to take action. Hence, a new constitution was needed. The Articles didn’t give the rich enough clout. The Articles of Confederation expressly stated that the government would be a perpetual union. The Framers of the Constitution were a bit embarrassed by the fact that they were dismantling a perpetual union and therefore didn’t mention the term “perpetual” in the new Constitution. (That “dodge” led the way for secession later on.) The new Constitution gave the federal government (not the states) the power to regulate bankruptcies for insolvency right up there in Article 1, Section 8. It was a priority. The bankers wanted it.
All of the men who wrote the Constitution were from that wealthy landowning class. The common people really didn’t have any representation in the process. The Constitution was the best deal we were going to get, but it tilted power toward the gentry, not the common folk. The only part of the federal government that was popularly elected was the House of Representatives. The Electors chose the president. The state governments (controlled by land-owning elites) elected the Senate. The Supreme Court was appointed by the Executive and confirmed by the Senate. Really, the Constitution was used to take power away from the common folk and put more of it in the hand of the wealthy.
Money protects money. It’s the way it has always been. Political differences dissolve when the elite, moneyed class’s interests are threatened. In the years before the Civil War, there were Northern Democrats who allied with Southern Democrats to protect slavery. Their mills in the North needed cheap cotton. Freeing the slaves changed that dynamic. It was in their interest, even though they abhorred slavery, to keep their business working at peak efficiency. Historians will tell you that a decade of prosperity in the 1850s erased the divide between the Democrats and the Whigs. Both sides were happy to be making money and the collapse of the two-party system led the way to the Civil War. The collapse of the Whigs led to the GOP, which was a purely regional (Northern) party. The shift of political power regionalized the conflicts between North and South. Instead of placing all the blame on pro-slavery Democrats for the war, the new GOP shared blame also. In the new party, there were radical Republicans who were allied with European banks. General George McClellan wrote that Lincoln was surrounded by these radicals and they pushed him into provoking the war. The Northern elites they represented saw an opportunity. They wanted to abolish slavery and force the formation of a new political class in the South. They wanted to merge white tenant farmers with freed blacks thinking that such an alliance would give them a permanent underclass that would stand against Southern aristocracy. The Northern aristocrats greedily wanted to permanently gain control over the Southern aristocracy. They pushed Lincoln into war, according to McClellan.
After the war, poor Southern whites rejected the Northern elites’ plan. Therefore, it became necessary to impose the plan on them. The victorious North disenfranchised anyone who fought for the Confederacy and gave freedmen the vote. They established the Union Leagues, a literal secret society patterned on Freemasonry, that recruited freed slaves and gave them political indoctrination. He Union League (also known as the Loyal League) had secret initiation rites and ceremonies, just like the Masons. This was driven by liberal, radical Republicans. The black Union Leaguers marched in military fashion in white communities, intimidating the disenfranchised population. The whites didn’t take this lying down. They formed their own secret society to defend their interests: the Ku Klux Klan. I’m not defending the Klan, here. I’m just giving you the history that the Klan formed as a defense against the Union League’s intimidation of whites. At the foundation of the Civil War, it was bankers and political liberals under their control who precipitated the Civil War. The poor tenant farmers and common people shed their blood while the elites profited. "Rich man's war; poor man's fight" was the saying.
It has always been that way in America. The elites in the GOP and the Democrat Party have always worked together to protect the moneyed classes. They always work together to defeat the interests of the common people. Just look at the latest example: Obamacare. Under the guise of providing affordable healthcare for all, the government took more money out of the pockets of working people and the corporate interests of the healthcare industry made record profits.
This is why Trump is such an exciting President. He is not beholden to party. His loyalty is to the People. His appeal crossed party lines like no other President, even Reagan. He is attacked by elites in both parties. Trump is working to empower the common people. Even though he is wealthy, he earned his wealth by taking care of the people who work for him. He appreciates the construction worker, the driver, the security man, and the small entrepreneur. He knows what it is like to have to work through government red tape. He knows how complex it is to deal with the government’s tax regime. He knows what it’s like to have to meet a payroll. He has even gone through bankruptcy himself and knows what it’s like to have to work your way back to the top. He is not one of them—that’s why the elites hate him. It’s why they have mobilized against him.
Trump is the hope of the common man for justice. That’s why I stand by him. That’s why Q stands by him and fights for us. The President seeks to dismantle the injustice and corruption of the Deep State that has represented the elites’ interests for generations. Justice isn’t vengeance. It is the creation of a level playing field for which our Founders were unwilling to fight. Trump seeks to bring America to full equality of opportunity for the first time in our history.