A concern:
What will they do with us?
Even in the Q groups,
When one of us dares speak out
About our faith,
it becomes a dogpile.
The latent anti-Mormon sentiment is triggered
Just as surely as wearing a MAGA hat on a college campus
Triggers liberals.
The reaction is the same.
The vehemence and hatefulness is shocking.
Thereby we see something of the spirit of anti-Mormons
When we compare them side-by-side with the Leftists.
That “triggered” knee-jerk reaction is of the devil.
It is the reaction of a wicked soul when it is forced to suddenly
Face a truth that disrupts its illusions.
Thus what will they do with us,
When the conflict comes?
Will they lock Mormons, Jews, Muslims,
And anyone else they don’t like in camps?
Will they shout us to be silent?
Will they ban our missionaries?
Will they shut us down on the Internet?
Why does it not matter,
The political orientation of the anti-Mormon?
Leftists hate us because we stand up for traditional families
And traditional Christian morality.
The Christian right calls us cultists.
Both sides reject the gospel.
If both sides reject the Restoration,
Does it matter who wins?
Will the Spirit of God withdraw
From both winner and loser
As it did from the ancient Nephites and Lamanites?
Who won at the Battle of Cumorah?
What happened to the Nephite Church?
Only Zion offers us deliverance.
Seek to establish Zion.