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How We Got Here

Writer: ldsanonldsanon

Books have been written about this subject, but I threw this together quickly for our new members, the recently red-pilled normies who are now investigating Qanon. I am also including my fellow latter-day saints in this as well.

The Q movement is about overturning regimes of corruption and freeing humanity from the reign of the corrupt. This “rabbit hole” goes deep and it’s hard to know where to start.

Treachery, betrayal, greed, lust, and power-seeking aren’t new. We read of them among the Greeks and Romans. The Bible has stories of intrigue. The root cause of the Cabal, Deep State, or Conspiracy goes back to the beginnings of banking in the Middle Ages. Suppose you have a nobleman or king who covets the lands and wealth of a rival in a nearby city-state. He rounds up his subjects and arms them for battle. To ensure they are properly equipped, he borrows money to pay for armaments, armor, food, horses, wagons, catapults, etc.

Of course, the banker realizes that, should the nobleman decide that, now that he has all these weapons and men, he could just attack the banker when the war is done and liquidate his debt. To prevent this, the banker has a strategy. The banker’s “insurance” on the loan involves covertly financing his client’s enemy also. With the power of gold, the banker learns he can influence the outcome of the war to a conclusion that is most favorable to him.

Empires rose and fell. (We’re taking the biggest shortcuts here for brevity. Don’t sweat it. If you need more detail, pick up a history book.)

We get to 1776, not America, but Bavaria. A utopian dreamer named Adam Weishaupt put together a plan to overthrow the monarchs of Europe and replace them with a socialistic government. (Yes, this is long before Marx.) He organized a secret society called the Illuminati. The authorities got wind of his plan and they sought to arrest Weishaupt and his co-conspirators. They fled and went underground. Because the Germans sent out warnings about the Illuminists, Weishaupt and company infiltrated Masonic lodges as a cover for their activities. They later played a role in the French Revolution.

In America, after the Civil War, some of the Founding Fathers had been initiated into French Freemasonry. Others, like George Washington, were already Freemasons. We can’t make generalizations about them based on their association with Masonry. Nevertheless, we might assume that they had some knowledge of the conspiracy to overthrow the nations and make a world government. The Constitution the Founders made almost seems to have been crafted to resist such infiltration and subversion.

In particular, the Constitution tried to strike a balance between elite property owners and the yeomanry. Historians still debate about their motives. Some say they went too far one way or the other. There were Federalists and Democrats. Democrat Jefferson was all about dispersing democratic power down through every social class. Federalists like Hamilton (who was closely allied with European bankers) wanted a strong federal government and a national bank, like the Europeans had. Hamilton lobbied for the President to be an elected monarch who would serve for life.

Presidents came and went. For a while, strong federalists prevailed. Then Jefferson reversed some of their gains. The parties evolved over time until the Civil War. During the 19th century, the development of industrial capitalism, mass immigration from Europe, the building of the railroads, and the westward expansion of the nation led to the rise of super-wealthy industrialists. These industrialists, J.P Morgan, Samuel Chase, the Rockefellers, became the American version of the European bankers (with whom they were closely allied).

The poor laborer at the bottom, the freed slaves, the Indians, all suffered under the iron hand of these capitalist-monopolists. They used their money to buy up Congressmen, Senators, and Presidents. They controlled the levers of power in America. They were American oligarchs.

Now, just a moment of digression. The ancient historian Tacitus saw history as a cyclical evolution.

Anarchy => Monarchy => Democracy => Oligarchy => Despotism => Back to Anarchy

Communities of humans started in anarchy, where the strong rule the week with absolute power. The strong become kings. Monarchy can give way to democracy. Corruption leads to division of classes and oligarchs take control. This leads to revolution and back to anarchy.

OK. As the American government grew, political favors were granted by the winning party. This is called “patronage.” It’s sort of like “to the victor go the spoils” in politics. Seeing that this was a frequent cause of corruption, President Teddy Roosevelt—probably the first true intellectual to occupy the White House—set out to reform the Civil Service. He instituted civil services tests and professionalized the government. The idea was to create permanent, professional class that was apolitical. No matter what party occupied the government, the functions of government were under the control of non-partisan professionals.

Good idea, right? Well, it was until more unprincipled progressives followed TR. Progressives generally thought that the average person was too uneducated and uncultured to make reasonable political decisions—those should be left to the educated, wealthy elite class. Wilson filled his administration with bureaucrats that exercised almost unrestrained control over various agencies. He was one of the first to advocate for a “new world order.”

Wilson had some “handlers” that were closely allied with European banks. They helped push through the creation of the Federal Reserve—a private, unaccountable bank that would control America’s money supply. Look on the back of the one-dollar bill. See the pyramid? See the words underneath—NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM? The “new order of the ages.” It’s a Federal Reserve note—not a dollar issued by the U.S. Treasury.

As World War I dragged on, Britain and France were about to lose the war. The U.S. didn’t have any intention to get into the war, but Wilson’s advisors convinced him that we should loan huge sums of money to Britain and France. To ensure that we’d recoup that investment, the nation eventually entered the war on the side of the Allies. At the end of the war, Wilson dreamed big and sought to hog-tie the country as a member of the League of Nations. Congress wisely rejected that.

FDR came along as the Great Depression came on. His interventionist policies immediately helped the country, but his attempt to completely re-tool the economy ran afoul of the Constitution. The Depression experienced a second wave instead of recovering. It might have gone on indefinitely except for World War II. The economy came roaring back due to the war production. After the war, the country ended up in the United Nations—sort of the League of Nations on steroids. This was the one of the first triumphs of globalism.

The globalist elites organized various organizations to coordinate their efforts internationally. In particular, the British Round Table Group and its American counterpart, the Council on Foreign Relations were revolving doors for government leaders and advisers to presidents and kings. Congressmen and Senators who have CFR ties today tend to vote as a block, regardless of party affiliation. That’s how RINOs end up voting with Democrats quite often. It only takes a few of them to swing votes in the Senate. They write laws from which they have exempted themselves. They engage in insider trading. They get rich from lobbyists funding their campaigns and foundations. They avoid taxes because of very loopholes they wrote into the laws. This is “The Establishment.”

In the 1970s, the the Trilateral Commission was founded. This was another one of those elite think tanks that advocated for globalist policies. In particular, the Trilateralists advocated the synchronization of the world’s three great economic zones created after World War II—America, Europe, and Asia. Working with Germany and Japan, the American government entered into international agreements and treaties that locked the three zones together in preparation to integrate them into a global market and currency.

All this sounds OK at first, until you begin to see the social policies that go along with the economic policies. Progressives advocated for policies that disrupted the family, radical feminism, abortion on demand, normalization of homosexuality, and other liberal policies. They insinuated themselves into education and academe to teach their philosophies and undermine traditional values. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union often worked with them to subvert the country. Speaking of the Russians, the American oligarchs dispatched millions of dollars to Trotsky to help facilitate the Russian Revolution. American oligarchs like Henry Ford and Armand Hammer helped prop up the Soviet regime throughout the twentieth century. Again, I digress.

Since the twentieth century, almost every president has been a globalist elite. Almost all of them were CFR members. Jimmy Carter was the president of the Trilateral Commission. Reagan and Trump were/are not associated with any of these organizations.

Since TR’s reforms of the Civil Service, the professional class inside of the federal government became ever more politicized. They became obstructionist, resisting conservative reforms and promoting progressive initiatives. They are unelected and it’s almost impossible to fire them. Presidents come and go. A management layer between the elected government and the federal civil service formed. These people turned into what we now call “The Deep State.” Another part of the Deep State operates in the State Department, which has been called the “Shadow Government” or 7th Floor. The CIA, the central clearinghouse for intelligence from the various civilian an military intel producers, has also been subverted by these politicos.

Thus it hasn’t mattered which party you voted for. You are voting for CFR party A or B. No matter what they say in their campaign speeches, the outcome of their efforts is always going to lean toward world government, less independence, less freedom, more regulation, and more government control of your life.

During the Obama years, the elites hatched a plan, a 16-year plan. Obama was going to “radically transform” the country and weaken it from within. He weaponized agencies like Homeland Security, the FBI, and the IRS to hem up conservative opposition. We are learning that his minions used the extraordinary powers of the FBI, NSA, and CIA to monitor their political foes. We are learning that his corrupt associates and leaders in both parties are morally compromised, and involved in human trafficking and foreign business deals like Uranium One to enrich themselves. They have believed they were untouchable. The judges and the Justice Department were compromised also. This is why Hillary was never prosecuted for exposing state secrets to foreign powers. Lynch, Comey, Strzok, Page, and many more are connected to this corruption. Political assassinations and murders have occurred—recently—to suppress the facts.

The media that should have reported these things are also connected to the elites. They hobnob with the CFR/Trilaterals and Bilderbergs. They enjoy the perks of the elite world so long as they don’t report on what they see. We can plainly see how the daily talking points are parroted by the networks, as if they have been scripted. The watchdogs are lying down on the job, promoting propaganda.

That brings us to today. The Q Plan to Save the World video tells us that, seeing the danger to the Constitution they swore to defend and protect, our trusted military leaders helped recruit Trump to run for the presidency. His victory set in motion a plan that will expose the corruption in governments the world over and return the power to the People. The victorious outcome of the plan will usher in a golden age of peace, emerging technologies, medical discoveries, and transportation innovations that will help us bring justice and prosperity to the whole world. The artificial enmities between nations, ethnicities, and religions will be alleviated. Hunger, disease, and oppression will be addressed.

For us latter-day saints, it means the opportunity to take the gospel to the nations of the world that have heretofore been closed to us. It means missionaries in North Korea or in Muslim countries. It means members and temples accessible to all people. It won’t be the Millennium, but it will provide the time to finish the Lord’s work—a work we have been told that the Lord is hastening. We know we cannot do this by ourselves. The hand of the Lord is on the work of Q and Trump, opening the way for the gospel to go forward in ways that a church of some 14 or 15 million people could never do.

The Plan will take time to unfold because Q and his team are committed to working within the laws, not outside of them. That’s another reason to support them—they are restoring the United States to its constitutional limits and they will put the power back in the hands of the People again, not the elites. I urge the reader to give serious consideration to these things and do your own research.


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