Imagine a vast, secure network,
Connecting many users
Across a common domain
To a central server in the Home Office.
The Builder of the network thereby
Enabled a great work to go forth
That permitted users to obtain
Great knowledge and truth,
By which users could guide their lives
Toward joy and fulfillment.
Imagine a team of administrators
Who were given authority by
The network builder,
To preserve and protect
The network.
Imagine that, one by one,
The administrators of the network
Were eliminated.
Now, imagine a hacker,
Who compromised one user’s account,
Then another,
and ultimately many.
The hacker convinced others,
To listen no longer to
The counsel of
The system administrators.
The hacker convinced them to neglect
And ignore new updates
From the legitimate system administrators.
Instead, the hacker
Provided updates that were not
Designed or authorized
By the Builder.
Imagine that, after a time,
The hacker convinced many
That he was the real system administrator.
The hacker persuaded many
To disconnect their computer
From the true, authentic domain
And to connect to another one.
The new network looked almost
Like the original one, but it
Lacked the most important features.
Still, it seemed familiar and useful to those who
Regularly logged onto it.
Eventually, nobody was connected to
The Home Office anymore.
Even though it was still there.
It was still transmitting, but
Nobody was listening.
Over time, new hackers arose and
Hacked the hacker’s network
Again and again.
Eventually, there were over 3,000
different networks,
All claiming to be connected to the Home Office,
But really,
None of them were.
They had lost the knowledge
Of how to connect to
The original network.
They no longer had the passwords
And they didn’t know the address
Of the correct servers anymore.
Some of the networks were small and
Some were very large,
But none of them could connect back to
The original network.
Imagine that, after many days
And weeks and months, and years
The Builder of the Network
Hired new network administrators
To show how to reconnect
To the original, true domain.
That is what the Builder did.
The Builder gave the new administrators
The network diagrams, passwords, and
The authority to act in his name.
Imagine that the new administrators
Began to announce
The restoration plan,
But they found there was a lot of opposition.
The hackers (and there were many by now)
Did not want to lose their customers
And they did not want to lose their employment.
(For their networks paid them well!)
The hackers published false and spurious information
About the administrators and the restored network.
They convinced many to stay put and
To disparage those who considered trying out
The restored network.
They convinced many that their network
Was the original or
That all of the networks, despite their differences
Were the same as the original.
Nevertheless, there were many who accepted
The invitation of the Builder and his administrators
And they discovered that the restored network
Had all the delightful features that had almost been forgotten
Long ago.
They loved the features and benefits of
The original network, now remembered,
And they shared their reviews with others.
To their dismay,
they discovered that many of their
Friends and co-workers
Said they were foolish or that they were deluded,
That they had been tricked
By the new administrators
Into thinking that the old network could exist today.
They called them names and excluded them
From their social circles.
But the new network grew and expanded
Little by little, until
Like a rock
Cut out of a mountain
Without hands,
It filled the entire earth.