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Fake News -- Fake Religion

Writer: ldsanonldsanon

Updated: Sep 2, 2019

The term “fake news” is now ubiquitous. People are waking up to the fact that the MSM has told them lies for years. Walter Cronkite, “the most trusted man in America,” was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He was part of an Overton Window that framed and omitted facts in such a way that it shaded truth. America was emotionally attached to this grandfatherly newsman in the 1960s. For many of us who grew up in that era, he seemed a kindly grandfather who helped us cope with the assassinations of JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King and celebrated the amazing first steps on the moon by Neil Armstrong. Yet all the while, he was delivering fake news to us.

Americans are now becoming awakened to the fact that the MSM has been lying to them all along. Media corporations owned by globalists have controlled “the Narrative” for as long as you can remember. They have done it for so long that there isn’t anyone alive today who can remember when the Narrative wasn’t there. It is the backdrop for your life. Much, if not most, of what you know has been shaped by it. Even when people start to awaken and realize this fact, they rarely appreciate how much of their worldview has been shaped by the Narrative because it so pervasive. What you love and what you hate has been determined by it.

This brings us to a necessary understanding that fake news has a corollary: fake religion. There can only be one true religion or none of them is true. The nature of truth makes it so. If there are two religions that contradict one another, one must be true and the other false. You can’t have two truths. It’s a binary choice. There are thousands of religions, all of which claim to have the whole truth. No two of them can be true. It is logically reasonable to determine that none of them is true; however, to do so, you would have to be able to have a perfect understanding of each one individually in order to be certain. There is either one true religion or no true religions. Logically, you cannot have two true religions that contradict each other.

Religions may possess more or less truth without being totally true, but in this scenario, whatever errors they espouse renders them untrue. Religions that claim to have the truth, but are not of God, are fake religion.

What does fake religion do? It acts just like the MSM in that it presents a narrative that frames all other truths in a certain light. It creates boundaries of orthodoxy beyond which a person can no longer be accepted as a fellow. This denial of fellowship isolates anyone who challenges the narrative. It also provides moral justification of persecution and even execution of anyone who challenges the Narrative.

In sociological terms, all churches begin as a cult. The cult sees itself as outsiders who challenge a corrupt mainstream. As it develops, it transforms gradually into a sect, which means that it develops rules, norms, policies, procedures, and organization. It needs these things to build a building, appoint people to attend a zoning meeting, pay the light bill, etc. As it codifies its teachings and implements standardization, it develops its own orthodoxy and becomes a distinct denomination. Finally, if it endures long enough and it becomes liked to the power of the state—the secular government—it becomes a church. Therefore, churches are actually pretty few in number compared to sects and denominations. Think of these in terms of national churches: Roman Catholicism, Lutheranism, the Church of England, Russian Orthodox, etc.

This sociological process takes place whether or not the teachings of a church are true or not. However, once a religion becomes a denomination or a church, it sets the Narrative in terms of religion in a country. It will automatically use its power to enforce orthodoxy and, when it becomes a state church, it has the power of the state to persecute and even execute what it calls heretics.

Now, fellow Q-follower, I urge you to study the origins of your church or denomination. I have spent a lifetime talking to people about a religion. Most churchgoers select a church for just a few reasons. They go to the church of their parents. They like the music. They like the form of worship. Their friends are there. Even with latter-day saints, a very large number of us go to the church for these reasons. The church encourages us to get our own testimony and have a spiritual witness that it is the church restored by Deity himself, but relatively few of us have that testimony.

Let’s compare the experience of a person who has been shaped by the MSM and the cognitive dissonance that occurs when he wakes up to know that the MSM has been lying to him all along and the experience of a believer who suddenly realizes his religion is part of the Narrative and isn’t really true. The person who wakes up to realize that the MSM is fake news resists it at first. It’s hard to accept. We cling to certain assumptions we have always had—which have been instilled into us over many years. When they see the world anew, it is startling. They often go on a campaign to wake up their friends and receive a hostile reaction. You see, most people really don’t want to be awake.

Likewise, look at what happens when latter-day saint elders come knocking on the door or when a Mormon friend discusses religion with them. Their ambivalence and lack of interest arises from the seeming security of the Narrative. They don’t want their world rocked by truth. They prefer the calmness and stability of the narrative. If curiosity leads to investigation, they find startling truths that are hard to accept. God appeared to a man in modern times, on multiple occasions. Angels appeared in this “Age of Reason.”

There is more scripture than just the Bible. There is a living prophet and twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, who hold the very same power and authority as those in the past. Those startling revelations are disturbing. Then, they ask God and the answer comes. The Narrative crumbles. They see the world anew. When they share their discovery with friends and family, the reaction is disturbing. The hostility is shocking. Persecution, rejection, and exclusion may follow. It is the reaction of the slumbering against those who have been awakened.

The true religion is the one that is connected to heaven today. It is merely a group of awakened individuals who expect God to speak today. They follow his chosen messenger. They live the teachings. They follow the instructions that God continues to give. They are not bound by dead dogma of the past. They do not limit what God can say, by claiming that his word can only come from an ancient book.

You Q-followers have listened to an unseen source of information, who is still unseen and unknown, you have a leg-up on those who are deceived by fake news. Yet to those who are still under the Narrative’s control, you are a deluded conspiracy theorist. You see things they cannot see. You see connections they can’t see. That’s because you are connected to a “higher power,” of a sort.

Similarly, those who have been awakened to the fact that there is fake religion, see the world differently. When they come to find the true religion, it is easy to discern fake religion. Fake religion fights against true religion. At its core, fake religion, like fake news, relies on these factors: pride, power, and the desire for wealth and/or fame. Now, let me conclude in the style of Q, asking those probing questions that lead to inner searching.

Who is the founder of your religion?

When did he live?

Who was he?

Why did he start that particular sect or denomination?

What was before it?

Was he an insider or outsider?

Was he connected politically?

Who authorized him to start a church?

Where did he get authority to start a denomination?

Who was Martin Luther?

Who was Jean Calvin?

Who was Henry VIII?

Who was the first person who used the title of “Pope.”

What happened to the Twelve Apostle of Jesus?

Did John outlive Peter?

What is apostolic authority?

Did the apostles of Jesus pass on that authority?

Why are there no people called “apostles” in the Roman Catholic Church?

If the Popes claim authority from Peter, shouldn’t it have come from John instead?

What does this tell us?

Does your church have apostolic authority?

Does your church receive modern day revelation?

To whom would God speak today if he had a message for the world?

If your church isn’t the TRUE church, why do you believe in it?

Which church is true?

How can you know?

Do you believe God can tell you?

Would you leave your church if God told you to join a different one?

Do you believe Satan would want to prevent you from finding truth?

There is fake news. There is also fake religion. Expand your thinking. You have more than you know.


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