Why do enemies of the Church
Attack the Book of Abraham?
They call it a fake and a fraud.
But have they actually read it?
What is in it?
Does not the Bible teach
That the gospel was taught to Abraham?
(Galatians 3:8)
Is there another gospel than Christ’s?
Did Abraham know Christ?
Then what of Israel?
What was before Israel?
What was before Abraham?
Why does Paul emphasize to the Hebrews
That Melchizedek and his priesthood
Were greater than that of the Levites?
To whom did Abraham pay tithes?
Who blessed Abraham?
Doesn’t the greater authority bless the lesser?
(Hebrews 7:7)
What was the object of worship
Of Melchizedek, Shem, Noah?
What was the religion of Enoch,
Who walked with God?
Did Adam see God?
What was the religion of these prophets?
Were any of these people Jews?
Where were Levi and Jacob?
Was Moses a “restorer?”
After 400 years in bondage, had Israel forgotten
The religion of their forefathers?
Why did Moses give them the law
As a “schoolmaster” to bring them “unto Christ?”
(Galatians 3:24)
What does the golden calf teach us about them,
Which they made while Moses went up onto the mountain
To receive God’s word for them?
Had they become idolaters in Egypt?
Had they forgotten the God of Adam, Enoch, Noah, and Melchizedek?
Who was Levi?
Who was Israel?
What was before them?
Did Jesus restore the original religion of the patriarchs?
Is that why they hated him and opposed him?
Did Joseph Smith restore that same religion to the earth?
Is that why they hated him and opposed him?
Is that why they attack the Book of Abraham,
Because it teaches that he was a Christian,
As were all the patriarchs before him?
A church in anticipation?
Of the glory to be manifested later?
Is all of Israel Jewish?
(Romans 9:6, 26-27)
One Lord, one faith, one baptism.
Expand your thinking?