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Be prepared: Q will probably fail

Writer: ldsanonldsanon

LDS church arson in St. George 2019

I hate to be pessimistic, but Q will probably fail? Why? It’s not just because of the strength and depth of the Cabal’s penetration into the halls of power. It’s because of the unrighteousness of the people.

The QRV forum on Voat has been overrun in recent week by shills and people who are posting hardcore pornography there. They put a title on a thread that attracts earnest Q followers and, when you click on the link, you find really offensive stuff. A lot of good people are abandoning the forum. Q asked us to go there when Reddit gave “The Great Awakening” forum the boot. Now, you can’t hardly go there at all without being exposed to serious racism, anti-Semitism, anti-Mormonism, and now, porn. But that’s just the bad guys. The good guys in this movement aren’t all that great either.

The reason I say Q will probably fail is anti-Mormonism. The Q movement is full of Christian believers who have been indoctrinated into anti-Mormonism. It is ironic because, while they castigate people who believe the lies of the mainstream media, they wholly accept the lies of anti-Mormon ministries. They react exactly like triggered liberals when the subject of Mormonism appears. Meanwhile, they are intent on making the Q movement an exclusive club of white Protestants, excluding Latter-day Saints, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, as well as anyone who is a non-believer.

In terms of sheer numbers, that exclusive WASPy club doesn’t have the clout it thinks it has. While they bellyache about Christians being persecuted around the world, they attack Mormons. It’s that whole Freudian thing about people being able to “live in love” toward one another, but only so long as there is another group to which they can redirect their aggression.

I’ll speak very frankly here. While they attack Catholics (like the Know-Nothings of the nineteenth century), they don’t realize how they are undermining themselves. If the Catholic Church is false, then how can Protestantsm be true? If the root of the tree is evil, can a branch lop itself off of the trunk and say “I am not evil?” Is it not the same thing? When the Bible describes the mother of harlots, who are the harlots? If the Catholic Church is the mother, are the Protestant churches not the harlots?

All of them attack any notion that God would call prophets, bestow divine authority, or otherwise speak to man in any way again. Meanwhile, they celebrate false pro

phets who claim to have divine insight about Trump.

From the Latter-day Saints perspective, they killed a prophet of God: Joseph Smith. They murdered Latter-day Saints and drove them from their homes in Missouri in the middle of winter. They elected presidents, congressmen, and senators who refused to restore the lands to the Mormon people who were illegally dispossessed of them. They incited mob violence again and again against us and drove us into the barren West, to a land nobody wanted. Then, when we had succeeded in building up a refuge, their politicians sent Johnston’s Army to invade and occupy. They confiscated all Church properties and jailed every Mormon leader they could find? Why? Because they followed a form of marriage that Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, David, and Solomon followed in the Bible?

No redress has every been made. The United States has never taken action to restore what was taken from us. No apology has ever been made for the murder of a prophet of God on American soil. His blood still cries from the ground for justice.

LDS meetinghouse in Mukilteo was torched in 2010

When we were being driven out of the country to Utah, the government asked us to send a battalion of men to fight for a war in Mexico in which we had no real interest. Our patriotic ancestors responded to the call and served. When our representatives were elected to Congress, the hypocrites refused to seat them. Our misssionaries are still harassed in cities and neighborhoods all over America. Members’ homes and our churches are often vandalized. Burnings of black churches is hardly ever heard of, but a couple of Mormon churches get torched every year.

And when we join in with other patriots to support Q and the President, we are attacked by so-called Christians who believe lies about us. They have chosen to believe those things despite our efforts to show them their opinions about us are uninformed or the result of propaganda. No matter, because they want a bogeyman, they are unwilling to consider other options. That unwillingness to reconsider their error dooms the movement.

God will not sustain the Q movement unless it repents of anti-Mormonism. He will let it fail and the most dreadful trials will come upon America. Civil war is coming. Urban communities will collapse into anarchy. People will flee for their safety. Zion—the Mormon communities—will become the places of safety and refuge. They will come to us, just like the biblical Joseph’s brothers came to the one they despised, for bread and security. They will have to come to terms with their hatred and enmity, just like Joseph’s brothers’ did. But before that happens, they will have to suffer a great deal until they repent.

I wish it were otherwise. I wish they would repent and we could all work together to defeat the Cabal. As Jesus said, Satan cannot cast out Satan. Until they get over their anti-Mormonism, God will not sustain them. They are heading into disaster until they change their ways. The PAIN they think is coming is going to be felt by everyone. Prepare in advance, watch, and be ready.


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