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Baptism for the Dead

Writer: ldsanonldsanon

Is God Fair?

Is God just?

What hAppens to people that

could never be bapTized

through no fault of their own?

Haven’t millions, maybE billions of souls

lived in times when or where

there were nO apostles, prophets,

or gospel preachers?

If you lived in AFrica or India

or Fiji or Tierra Del Fuego before

any missionaries bearing the message

of Christ’s salvation

what Happens to you in etErnity?

Did God create souls for the express pUrpose

of condemNing them forever?

Can a mercifuL, just God do such thing?

Does everyonE need baptism?

WhAt did Jesus tell Nicodemus?

Where did Jesus’ spirit go when he

died on the cRoss?

Where is paradise?

What is the prisoN?

What is Sheol?

What is the diffErence?

Who said Jesus went to “preach unto the

spirits in prison?”

How was “the gospel preached

to them that are dead?”

How is it that no church understanDs

1st Corinthians 15:29?

Why were ancient Christians “baptized for the dead?”

What Christians today perform baptism for the dead?

Which Church knows how it was done?

Which Church does it today?

Search. Ask.

Expand your mind.

Is God fair?

Is God just?


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