The Lord often works in ways that allow miracles and wonders to occur in such a way that mankind's agency isn't violated. He knows faith is a choice. Those who believe choose to believe. Those who don't believe choose other paths. The explanations of events are left for us to frame according to our mindsets. Those with the mindset of faith see signs and wonders. Those who choose other paths see random events that have no meaning.
Right now, much of the three western states of the United States are burning. We have seen pictures of apocalyptic scenes of destroyed neighborhoods and cities shrouded in smoke. These states have seen dry, windy conditions for months or even years. Poor management of forests have allowed undergrowth to overtake large areas of undeveloped land. Lightning, sparks from power lines, unattended campfires, fireworks, and arson have ignited blazes all over California, Oregon, and Washington.
The liberal, unbelieving mind sees this as a product of global warming. Secular conservatives see it as the result of liberal mismanagement, fraud, graft, and corruption. A believing Latter-day saint sees states that have consistently made bad moral choice and now face the hand of God's wrath.
Certainly there are good people that live in these western states, but they have had to acclimate like the frog in the pot of gradually warming water. They have stood by while evil has grown in their midst. Hollywood and the entire entertainment industry is hopelessly corrupt. To be a celebrity today, one must sell one's soul. They submit to degrading acts as a condition of fame. The elite and the powerful bestow their "blessings" upon talented souls who submit to Satanic rituals and who provide evidence enough that they can be extorted into compliance. Thanks to a few brave souls, and Qanon, we know that Hollywood is built upon a foundation of pedophilia. We are learning of horrid abuses that are almost unspeakable. We ask God, "How long can this go on, Lord?"
Liberal California has been the vector for insidious ideas that have insinuated themselves into the public mind. Hollywood's primary job today is building narratives and changing the public mind. It used to be that homosexuality was a grotesque perversion. Abortion was rare and shameful. Extramarital affairs were scandalous. Unchaste women worried that their bastard children would grow up fatherless. Drugs were part of a degenerate subculture. Sexual exploitation of children was intolerable. (This week, California voted to lower the age of consent to ten--effectively legalizing adults having sex with children!) Over the decades, Hollywood has brought moral rot into the foundations of the Republic's moral underpinnings.
The adjacent states were infected to some degree by Hollywood's corruptions. Mass media sold vast swaths of America depravity. Even though the effects were felt in America's heartland, God-fearing people persisted in clinging to their "God, guns, and religion," despite the pressures. In the more cosmopolitan areas of the East and in the large urban centers, liberalism's poison had more influence.
Today, America teeters on the verge of collapse because of the divide between the obedient believers and the secularists. Donald Trump's election was a miracle. An outsider, not under the Cabal's control, came to power because good people tried to assert their influence one last time to save the country. The wicked have tried to undermine, impeach, and even overthrow his Administration. They have engaged in all sorts of evil to try to achieve their ends, so far without success. As the election looms, they see Trump enjoying a strong lead. Their media minions will never admit this as they lie and tell us sleepy Joe Biden is winning.
The evil ones fabricated scandals to take down Trump. They brought forth fake "whistleblowers." They accused him falsely of the very crimes they have committed. They are involved in a treasonous coup, yet they accuse Trump of planning a coup to remain in office if he should be defeated. They are intent on corrupting the electoral system insomuch that citizens have no confidence in it. They accuse Trump of causing violence, while their followers and supporters burn and loot cities.
Now, California, Oregon, and Washington are burning. Portland, Oregon has been the home base for Antifa's operations. Although they have been active all over the country, Portland is where they operate with full local-government support. We have seen over 100 continuous nights of lawless rioting in Portland. The news media doesn't report all that goes on. It's not just the riots, protests, shouting, and burning of cars. There is complete anarchy. Police stand by as rapes, assaults, and even murders occur. The district attorneys release those who are arrested without charges. The mayor and governor refuse to act to protect the innocent and they refuse offers of federal assistance to quell the violence. Violence is what they want. It is an orgy of violent carnality. The fires that are now threatening the city are not all of natural origin. There have been dozens of reports of arson. Antifa and the Left are burning these states.
At this point, some 80,000 people have been driven from their homes in the Portland area by the fires. Evacuation of another 450,000 is imminent. The population of Portland is around 650,000. Are we about to see an entire American city destroyed purposely? In the Book of Mormon, we read about the cities that were destroyed because of the influence of secret combinations. In 3 Nephi chapter 9, we read of the Lord's destroying the city Jacobugath, which had become the seat of the Gadianton robbers, the Cabal of their time.
And behold, that great city Jacobugath, which was inhabited by the people of king Jacob, have I caused to be burned with fire because of their sins and their wickedness, which was above all the wickedness of the whole earth, because of their secret murders and combinations; for it was they that did destroy the peace of my people and the government of the land; therefore I did cause them to be burned, to destroy them from before my face, that the blood of the prophets and the saints should not come up unto me any more against them.
Knowing the Lord works in ways to preserve agency, it is suprising that he would burn a city of great wickedness by the hands of the evil ones that dwell there? What is Antifa's purpose? To destroy the peace of the people and the government of the land? Do the liberal ones mock God and his Christ? Do they mock the prophets? Have they and their Cabal masters committed secret murders? Is it coincidental that Portland is Antifa's operational headquarters?
I can't say what the Lord's actual plan is in this regard, but it strikes me as uncanny. (The synchronicities between what happens in the week's headlines and the lesson content of the Church's "Come, Follow Me" Book of Mormon curriculum is striking.) Those with they eyes of faith will see the hand of God in all of this. We may feel compassion for those who experience loss of homes and property due to the fires, but we should also be aware of the manifest evil that has abided among them for years. That evil has grown fully ripe now and the bitter fruits are being harvested before our eyes. We not only need to repent, but we need to act to drive the evil out from our midst.
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