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An Appeal to the Fair-minded Liberal

Writer: ldsanonldsanon

This is a post that I wrote for the Reddit Great Awakening forum, the one that Reddit recently banned. It received many upvotes there so I thought I would post it here to preserve it for future sharing. Enjoy!

Amid the recent media attention the #Qanon movement has garnered, I am certain that there are fair-minded liberals who have visited Great Awakening with some degree of curiosity. Perhaps you’re wondering if the Q movement is a cult-like group of uneducated working-class rednecks, white supremacists, and racists. Maybe you have heard that it is simply a bunch of gullible Trump supporters who wish to force American culture back to the “Happy Days” of Jim Crow and “Father Knows Best.” The more time you spend here, you will find those notions to be misrepresentations.

Just what is going on and why is there such dynamism here about a mysterious Internet personality who reaches out to the world merely asking pointed questions?

You may end up perusing or to look at the actual content of Q’s messages. They seem cryptic and vague. Taken in isolation, a Q “drop” may not make much sense when it is first delivered. Often, it may take months for what Q has posted to make sense. He (she, or they—we don’t know for sure) is working from within and leaving breadcrumbs for us on the outside to track to eventual conclusions. Sometimes, several drops days, weeks, or even months apart must be connected to make sense. Part of this is due to security restrictions. Part of it is out of encouragement for us to dig for the truth. When we discover the meaning of a Q drop, we have discovered the truth of a particular situation for ourselves. We then own that truth. Nobody told us how to get there. We found it on our own, following the clues in the breadcrumbs.

Since late 2017, Q has left over 2000 drops. That is a sizable library to read and try to decode. If you are just trying to understand a little bit about this movement, that may seem overwhelming. I took a couple of weeks to read all the drops. I encourage you to do the same. You don’t have to do them all at once. Just start at the earliest ones and move on to the later ones. You’ll start to see threads and themes emerge. As you search, read the GA posts here to see what others have to say about them. Sometimes you will see clearly that someone’s attempt at interpreting a drop is enlightening. Sometimes you’ll find flaws. The community is self-guiding and self-correcting. Q occasionally schools those who follow the drops and offers additional guidance or corrections.

The community here is generally anonymous. You can tell by the writing of some people that they are well-educated and others not so much. There is almost no sense of elitism in the ranks. The patriots here regard one another as students of the same “school.” We are all learning together. Sometimes there are some quarrels, but most folks keep their egos in check. It is a welcoming community.

Now, let me try to connect with the liberal mindset you bring to the table. I want to try to persuade you to see things in a new perspective.

If you’re a college-educated liberal of a certain age, it’s very likely you have read Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States.” In that book, which is decidedly and admittedly left-leaning in its bias, Zinn briefly touched upon the prison riots of the 1970s, including the one in Attica, New York. In that riot, mistreated prisoners took guards as hostages as a protest against their mistreatment. To resolve the crisis, then Governor Nelson Rockefeller sent in armed riot police and military troops to regain control of the prison. In the process, many of the hostages were killed along with the hostage takers. Rockefeller dismissed that as an acceptable loss.

Then, at the book’s end, Zinn compared the socioeconomic pyramid of the United States to the Attica prison. Here in America, we have the 1-Percent—the super rich elites that own and control almost every single thing. They are the ones who control government policies, the justice system, banking, academia, and the regulatory state. They hold all the power. At the bottom of the pyramid are the poor and working-class people who make up the bulk of the nation’s population. Since America’s beginnings, the middle class has been leveraged by the 1-Percenters to act as the “prison guards” of our society. The middle class has just enough wealth to feel a little bit of security, but it has allied itself with the super-rich so as to protect what little gains it has made. The middle class makes up much of the military, law-enforcement, and the lower levels of the legal profession.

What Zinn asked is why is it that the middle class doesn’t ally itself with the poor and demand power from the super-rich. Numerically, they could take control of the government and set policies that would prevent the super-rich from exploiting everyone else. Comparing us to Attica—why don’t the prison guards stand up with the prisoners in their own interest?

Zinn was talking about the Establishment—the super-rich. These elites control legislatures, parliaments, dictators, and monarchs worldwide. They have the power to finance the overthrow of governments, blackmail elected officials, and ensure that government policies channel the fruits of everyone else’s labor into their bank accounts.

Perhaps you have noted that, no matter what party holds power, you get the same results. The politicians might throw their supporters a bone every now and then, but the big stuff always works the same. It’s why conflicts always resolve toward greater power and wealth for the elite and less for the common people. The people send their children off to wars to die. They struggle to pay for homes and health care for their families. They despair to see their savings decrease and their debts increase, no matter how hard they work. Worst of all, the elites keep us fighting among ourselves so that we can never come to any degree of unity to oppose them.

As a caring liberal, you are compassionate. You have an instinctive desire to help the poor and downtrodden, the victim of racism, sexism, and to reach out to the refugee. All that is laudable. All good people, Democrat and Republicans have those same sentiments. We often disagree about how to go about that. I want you to consider now, just for a moment, how the parties keep good people apart? Is it possible that the super-rich use the parties to keep the “prison guards” from joining the prisoners against them? By keeping us at each others’ throats, it disengages our compassionate impulses. The elites benefit when we hate each other.

It has always been that way. Property vs. tenant. Industrialist vs. laborer. Lender vs. debtor. It is pretty easy to argue that the elites who wrote our Constitution were looking out for their own interests, after having been alarmed by the farmers uprising in Shay’s Rebellion. The people at the top don’t care, so long as the prison guards don’t join the revolt.

What you are seeing now is a middle-class revolt. That’s what the Q movement is. Despite what the media talking heads have told you, we are not racist, anti-immigrant, anti-woman, anti-Muslim, etc. We are primarily middle-class and lower middle-class citizens who have awakened to see the elite for what they are. We are angry because of their manipulations. We are angry for their hijacking of our Republic. We are angry for the wars they have caused. We are angry for the depressions and recessions they have manipulated to transfer the wealth of our labors into their own hands. We are angry at being blamed for all the problems in America when it is the elites who have controlled the game ever since the beginning.

You feel this. It’s why the same, globalist policies advance regardless of who is president. Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan were as different as night and day, but the end result of the policies of their administrations put power into the hands of globalist elites. It’s why no president can fix poverty and why military force is always the choice in foreign policy. The game is rigged and only the globalists win.

Now, here’s where I may lose you, because it is almost unbelievable—yet there is evidence. The folks here at GA will guide you to it if you ask. The world’s elites, the 400 or so families that control 90 percent of the world’s wealth are corrupt beyond your wildest imagining. They are involved in ancient secret societies that go back into the Middle Ages and beyond. It’s like something out of “The DaVinci Code.” Some of them are Satanists. Many are involved in human trafficking, pedophilia, slavery, and other repulsive criminal enterprises. It matters not whether you are a Christian or whether you believe in the existence of a devil or a deity. It matters that the elites believe and do this terrible wickedness.

If you follow Q’s drops, you will see a thread begin to emerge. Q has the proof of these crimes and that information will soon be revealed for justice to be done. How? That’s where Trump comes in.

You may have seen the video, “The Q Plan to Save the World.” That is a good place to begin. To give you a quick over view, the problem is not Democrat vs. Republican or liberal vs. conservative. The problem is powerful criminals of vast wealth who control governments. In the United States, they have corrupted politicians and agencies of our government—most significantly, the FBI, the Justice Department, the CIA, and the State Department. At the turn of the 20th century, they were known as the Eastern Establishment. Today, they are known as the Shadow Government and the Deep State. During the Obama presidency, the power of the Deep State grew so significantly that high-ranking military officers considered overthrowing the Administration and resorting to martial law to save the Constitution and the Republic. Instead, it was decided to approach Donald Trump to run for the Presidency. Trump was popular, and although he was wealthy, he was not a part of this elite cabal. As Newt Gingrich recently said, Trump was “never initiated.” He knows who the bad people are, but he is not one of them. He isn’t a saint. You may object to his style. However, he is honest and he loves America. He cares about people, including working-class people and the poor.

Working with the loyal American military officers and members of the National Security Agency and our military—Q—Trump is working to return America back to the control of the people. “The Plan” will remove the corrupt elites from the halls of power and punish the criminals. Because the elites are a worldwide cabal, “The Plan” is a global plan to take them down. In its early stages, the corrupt monarchy in Saudi Arabia has been overturned. Already, reforms (like letting females drive cars) are happening there. Trump has made history by reaching out to the Kim Dynasty in North Korea and beginning to negotiate peace with the regime. “The Plan” will eventually encompass relations with Iran and it will expose and take down criminal elites in Europe, Asia, and America. Because the Justice Department and the FBI have been compromised by the Cabal, an alternative, constitutional justice process will be needed: military tribunals. In the last several months, over 45,000 sealed indictments have been issued in the United States. (A normal number per year is less than 1,100.) The accused will receive fair trials in an honest system, not the compromised one. This is “The Storm” that is coming.

When it is over, the world will be freed from this corrupt power. It’s wealth will have to be redistributed. Nations will be able to freely negotiate peace without the interference of the Cabal. The poor and the oppressed will have the chance to be liberated. Additionally, marvelous technologies heretofore classified by the security organs of the world’s nations will be revealed. New forms of energy, medical advances, transportation, and other innovations long hidden will be unveiled to the benefit of mankind. Trump has said his numerous time in his campaign speeches and in his inaugural address.

The key to Q’s plan has been bypassing a corrupt, elite-owned media establishment and going directly to the people. That’s what Q is. Q is the means of giving the liberators the opportunity to communicate with those about to be liberated. Q leaves “proofs” along the way that validate what he has communicated. If you will make a modest effort, you will find that Q is authentic. It is not a conspiracy theory. It is not a group of deceived, delusional bigots. The Q movement is the heart and soul of America rising up against the elites to take the nation and the world into a new era. It is an exciting, historic time to be alive.

Liberal friend, consider that the opportunity for true justice and peace is here before us. People are basically good. They just want to live, have enough to eat, a warm place to stay, and the security to know that they and their families will be safe. The time is coming for the criminals at the top of the pyramid to face justice and be held accountable. I hope you will investigate Q further and give it your consideration. The motto “Where we go one, we go all” is how we approach this mission.


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