The supporters (I don’t call them followers—they are leaders) of Q are celebrating what appears to be the move into Phase Two of “The Plan.” That stage has been called “Justice.” We will celebrate the peaceful indictments, arrests, and prosecution of those who have broken laws. We expect to see thousands of convictions of figures, great and small, for corruption, extortion, bribery, accepting bribes, graft, and even horrid crimes like murder and human trafficking.
This phase could take years, but it is worth beginning the conversation about what comes afterward. I’m a student of history. One of the most influential historians of our time is Howard Zinn, whose decidedly leftist “A People’s History of the United States,” documents our nation’s legacy of corruption, racism, sexism, and the impact that the elites have had on us from the beginning. Zinn’s history is well-written and accurate. Where I differ with him is in the solutions he advocated. Communism isn’t the answer. An honest historian will look at Soviet Russia, Mao’s China, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Castro’s Cuba, and Chavez’s Venezuela as adequate evidence of Communism’s inevitable outcome.
Nevertheless, injustice is real and it exists in our country and all over the world. The elite Cabal that has reigned over the world’s governments has exploited the world’s people. Racism is real, but they made it worse. Religious intolerance is real, but they played religions against one another for their own gain. In many societies, women are not granted the same rights as men and the Cabal has played upon both the disparity and feminism to attack the traditional family.
If Q is successful, the Cabal will be destroyed, but these enmities will remain. They will not be stoked intentionally by the Cabal anymore and that will give us a chance to deal with those things. For that reason, the third phase of the Q movement will have to be reconciliation. Here are some of the things that it will have to address:
Redistribution of Wealth—This is a dirty word to conservatives, but when the Cabal is gone, there is going to be an unimaginable amount of wealth that they once controlled to be redistributed. It was taken via extortion and exploitation over hundreds of years. There will be competing claims for it. A global commission will have to be formed to handle the process. It is bigger than a U.S. problem. It’s a global problem.
Racial Issues—Some of the claims for that wealth will rightfully be made on the basis of racial discrimination. If there ever was a time for reparations for American slavery, the distribution of the Cabal’s wealth would be it. During post-Civil War Reconstruction, freedmen were promised 40 acres and a mule. In some limited areas, like the Sea Islands in South Carolina, freedmen were given lands and they prospered for a time. However, the Northern industrialists wanted to establish a “free labor” South where black and white wage slaves served the elites’ purposes. Meanwhile, those same industrialists, railroad, steel, oil, and banking oligarchs, received millions of acres of free land to build railroads—while the freedmen got nothing. The ancestors of today’s Cabal: J.P. Morgan, Samuel Chase, and the Rockefellers, profited immensely from both the Civil War and the Reconstruction. The Rothschilds have profited from every war going back to the Crusades!
Settling black American’s claims are just a drop in the bucket compared the global racial oppression financed by the Cabal. Africans, Asians, Latin Americans, Native Americans, Australian Aborigines, and more groups than I can name have legitimate claims against the Cabal. Who broke treaties, drove the aboriginal peoples from their lands, enslaved them, and impoverished them? The Cabal!
Here in America, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, and whites need to reconcile—understanding that we all have been victims of the Cabal’s manipulations. Native Americans should be compensated for their losses as well as other aboriginal peoples in other countries. As a historian, I can make a pretty good case for the government’s importation of opium from the Orient during the Jazz Age to disrupt the then racial reconciliation that was beginning. Similarly, after the Seventies’ cross-cultural music trended toward racial healing, the CIA smuggled crack cocaine into American streets in the Eighties. Clinton’s Crime Bill isolated blacks as “super-predators” and targeted them for incarceration in private prisons. Soon, Clinton had built up the largest incarcerated population in the developed world—and private prison industries sprouted up to manufacture “Made in America” products that could compete in the post-NAFTA economy. The “first black president” was a nightmare for black Americans.
In the post-Cabal world, racial relations will have a chance to heal, but we as individuals will have to deal with latent personal racist feelings and prejudices. It’s going to take work. It’s going to take repentance on all sides.
Immigration and Refugees—There will still be a problem with immigration and refugees until every Cabal-controlled government in the world is overturned. That may take some time. People will self-determine and select new governments. Some of those governments will be socialistic, others democratic, others will recognize traditional monarchs under a constitutional or parliamentary system. New forms of government may arise unlike any we have seen on this planet in the past. Natural disasters, religious persecution, financial concerns will still drive people to emigrate from the lands of their birth to new places, to seek a better life. Nationalism won’t fade, but we will have to cooperatively resolve issues nation-to-nation, without the Cabal’s interference.
Religious Intolerance—This will continue to be a sticky issue. The Cabal sought to destroy Christianity and to set Muslim and Jew against each other. Other religions think ill of their “competitors.” Religious wars and ethnic cleansing have gone unchecked in many regions in which the Cabal had no financial interests. In other cases, the Cabal instigated the conflicts. However, it seems to be human nature for a dominant religion to persecute smaller upstarts. At first, Jews persecuted Christians as a breakaway sect. Later, Christians persecuted Jews, blaming them for killing their Messiah. Muslims hate Jews for killing past prophets and Jesus and they call Christians “polytheists.” English Protestants persecuted Quakers. Traditional Christians persecuted Mormons, a Missouri governor signed an “Extermination Order” against Mormons in 1838, and they murdered our founder. Some desperate latter-day saints lashed out in the Mountain Meadows Massacre several years later. It’s a sad legacy of hate in God’s name.
The Cabal has an interest in perpetuating those conflicts. When the Cabal is gone, we will have to decide how to treat one another with respect with regard to religion. It will not be easy. Religious bigotry is supported by a self-righteous zeal that is hard to extinguish.
Military Adversaries and Allies—The current realpolitik is based on the Cabal. When it is no longer, nations will have to reassess the benefits of their international relationships. Already, Trump has made a provisional ally with Russia and defused the tensions on the Korean Peninsula. How? By completely disregarding the Cabal—which still holds a great amount of power—and risking his personal safety, he has reached out to talk with people that career diplomats in the State Department would never talk to. The Q group has provided extraordinary protection to the President to permit him to do this.
Imagine a world where Russia, China, and American work together to make the world better for all. Imagine a geopolitical scene where Iran, the Arab states, and North Korea don’t suspect the United States of trying to overthrow their governments. Imagine those states out of the Cabal’s control and their leaders taking steps toward freedom and democracy for their people. Imagine black South Africans not confiscating lands from white farmers and learning to cooperate for the benefit of all. Imagine Islamic nations not supporting or exporting terrorism to non-Islamic states. As a latter-day saint, I see it as a fulfillment of prophecy--a time when the gospel will be preached in all nations. Yes, this is a Utopian vision of sorts. The astonishing thing is that it may be upon us in just a short time.
There is a verse in my Mormon scriptures where the Lord tells the Prophet Joseph that “...the earth is full and there is enough to spare” (Doctrine and Covenants 104:17). You may not be Mormon, but your intuition tells you that this is a true statement. The Creator made us a planet that is capable of comfortably sustaining all the life on it. The rich and powerful Cabal has extorted that wealth for their own use and used it to compel the nations of the earth to do their bidding. With the Cabal gone, the natural balance of the world’s bounty will become available to the world’s people as never before.
Ever since “Cain and Abel,” the Father of Lies has told us that life is hard, food and money are scarce, insecurity and need drive our motives in all things. We have been told from the beginning that there is not enough to go around, not enough to share. All that is about to change. For the first time, a world based on the notion of universal prosperity can emerge. Everybody can have enough. Trump has promised to declassify technological wonders that will renew the world: healing medical technologies, new means of creating endless supplies of clean energy, new modes of transportation, construction, manufacturing, agriculture. It could be a truly golden age. How long it can last will be up to us. If we allow infighting, race and class struggles, and religious enmity to persist, it could fall apart in a generation. Personally, I believe in Christ’s Second Coming. Wouldn’t it be nice to have him return to find out that humanity has been doing good, instead of exploiting and abusing one another? Is Armageddon necessarily foreordained or is it a warning of what will be if we refuse to change?
I write this in the hope that we use it to reflect and consider what the future holds. As Q says, “Expand your thinking.” The vision of the future that we hold in our mind is what we will eventually realize. Let us make it a good one, for all people, in all nations. Where we go one, we go all.