Where were we before we were born?
How did God know Jeremiah before he was born
And ordain him a prophet unto the nations?
Who are the “sons of men” spoken of in Proverbs 8
Of whom the Lord said were with him
“...While as yet he had not made the earth,
nor the fields,
nor the highest part of the dust of the world[?]”
Did we live before we were born?
Why did God make the Earth?
What was the first commandment God gave to mankind?
What does it mean to be “fruitful” and “multiply?”
Why is it important to God for his children to have children?
What purpose does birth, parenthood, and family have in mortality?
What purpose do these things have in eternity?
Why is God called “Father?”
What did Satan oppose?
What was the war in heaven?
Why was there a war in heaven?
Why does Satan want to stop births from happening?
Who is he trying to stop from coming to earth
From the life before?
If the Earth’s time was a week,
What day is it today?
Saturday’s warriors.
Who did God reserve to come to Earth,
Before Jesus returns to establish his kingdom on it?
How does Satan use immorality and licentiousness
To hinder healthy families and deter couples from having children?
What role do selfishness and materialism play?
Why does the media ridicule fatherhood, families, and promote
The homosexual agenda?
What role does feminism play?
Why do feminists celebrate abortion almost like a sacrament?
Why is contraception so important?
Why does Satan want to deter spirits from heaven coming to earth
In the latter days?
Why does Satan not want humans
To keep the first commandment
That God gave to Adam and Eve?
Past reveals the future.
Future is today.
You have more than you know.