Welcome newly-awakened and curious visitors. It is a daunting undertaking to begin this journey. There is so much new information that you may have never seen or heard before, it is mind boggling. The sheer volume of it is overwhelming and there is no systematic way of presenting it to you. The best thing you can do is start at the beginning of Q’s drops and read them all the way to the present. That’s what I did. It’s asking a lot. It’s like handing you the Bible and telling you to read every page of it so you will know what’s going on. With well over 2,000 Q drops, it’s going to take some effort.
There’s no shortcut to understanding, but perhaps I can help you put some pieces together. Collecting intelligence involves putting little, seemingly unimportant details together. You intercept a phone call from an air base—a guy calls his wife and says he has to work late tonight, that he won’t be home for supper. Then you get twenty similar calls from different places on the base: the ops building, the hospital, the aircraft maintenance squadron, the security forces. Then you pick up notifications of mass briefings scheduled at the base theater at 3:00 pm. Then you get the call about a follow-up meeting by the commanders after the mass briefing. After a day of monitoring, you basically piece together that a squadron of fighters is being deployed. The base keeps the actual departure time quiet, but shortly before the launch, the FAA air traffic controller for civil aviation advises local traffic that a mass launch is underway at XXXX air base. By the end of the day, when you piece all the facts together—all of which were unclassified by themselves, you have enough information to know the big picture—and the picture you have is classified because it contains numbers of planes, personnel, assets, times of departure, arrival, etc.
This is what Q has done since October 2017. Without disclosing classified information, he has directed anons and bakers to take note of certain events, trends, and facts that are all unclassified. Q has done this mostly by asking questions that focus attention on “open source” information. When the information comes together, it creates a big picture that reveals secrets. It’s impossible to summarize all of what Q’s information has provided. Some of it is still yet to become understood. Q places information out there that will only have relevance at a future time. Here is a quick overall summary as to actual evidence you can find through research. The key is to do the homework. Q expects us to find out for ourselves what is true.
1. During his term, Barack Obama undermined the military by replacing generals loyal to the Constitution with people whose loyalty could be bought, who could be blackmailed, or who were ideologically motivated toward globalist aims.
2. Obama used the powers and agencies of government to harass and spy on the Tea Party, conservative opposition groups, and political adversaries.
3. It will soon be revealed that Obama authorized an operation against then-candidate Trump as an “insurance policy” to either prevent his election or to impeach him if he were elected.
4. Republican Senator John McCain orchestrated opposition research on candidate Trump, soliciting Fusion GPS to research and write their findings.
5. Lacking enough dirt to blackmail Trump to suit the Republicans, McCain passes the report over to HRCs campaign. Former British intelligence operative Christopher Steele adds unverified, salacious material (the infamous “pee tape” story) and fabricates the “Russian Dossier.” Hillary’s campaign and the DNC paid for the dossier.
6. Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, previously colluded with Russia to sell them 20 percent of US Uranium (which can be used to build nukes) assets via a Canadian shell company to Rosatom, a Russian company.
7. Muller, Comey, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Rosenstein, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, are connected to Hillary Clinton in various nefarious ways.
8. The FBI leaked the unverified dossier to the MSM which published reports about it. The media reports were then used to approach the FISA court to request a warrant to do surveillance on Trump associates and his campaign. Note: it is illegal for US intelligence assets to target US persons without a warrant from the FISA court. The FISA requests omitted critical information—namely that HRC paid for it and that it was purchased as opposition research for political purposes. Omission of this information violated the law regarding FISA requests. FBI Director Comey had to sign the request certifying that the information had been verified—but it had not been.
9. This is why Q says “FISA brings down the HOUSE.” When the facts are known, it will implicate all these players, including HRC and Obama in the unlawful misuse of US intelligence agencies.
10. The CIA, FBI, Justice Department and other agencies were seeded with Obama loyalists prior to his departure from office. These loyalists are loyal only to Obama and their globalist aims, not the Constitution. They have stonewalled Congressional demands for materials that Congress is authorized to see in their oversight role. Globalists in both parties of Congress have also slow-walked the process. Trump is still waiting on hundreds of judicial and other appointments to be confirmed by Congress, two years into his term.
11. When exposed, it will be clear that the FBI and DOJ have avoided prosecution of corrupt politicians while simultaneously holding witch hunts against conservatives. A two-tier justice system has emerged that favors the globalists and destroys constitutionalists.
12.The federal courts have been compromised along with the Justice Department. It is not possible to successfully prosecute these criminals in high places because their Deep State partners will protect them.
13. Hillary Clinton violated laws governing the handling and transmission of highly-sensitive, classified materials by operating a private server in her residence, outside the control of government security protocols.
14. Obama, Clinton, Lynch, and others associated with these operations communicated with one another outside of official channels, seeking to evade normal security requirements. They used Gmail draft messages and shared passwords to communicate without actually sending emails. They also used gaming system console systems like Xbox and others to communicate. Some of them used HAM radios in an effort to avoid detection. Fortunately, they did not evade Q’s detection. Q has it all.
15. The globalists had a plan to install Hillary as president and to start World War III. The intent was to destroy the constitutional government and subvert the US into a transnational federal government or new world order. Trump’s election forestalled this plan’s execution. The Deep State is a covert group of globalists who work within the nation’s agencies to further its objective: to bring the United States into the system of global governance. The Deep State is part of an international cabal that controls the world’s governments through extortion, blackmail, and assassinations when necessary. The international banking system and the mainstream media are under its control.
16. Trump’s election took place despite massive vote fraud and attempts by the Deep State to bully the Electoral College. Once in office, there have been attempts to blackmail and assassinate POTUS.
17. A Deep-State rogue operation fired a missile at Hawaii in an attempt to start World War III. Missiles have also been fired at Air Force One when the President has been traveling in international airspace.
18. Besides the political struggle for control, there is a spiritual or religious aspect to the Deep State’s desire to control the world. Q has evidence that will be revealed at the proper time that many of the world’s elites are literally Satanists who particpate in ritual human sacrifices, torture, and even cannibalism. The global human trafficking crisis is part of their efforts to ensure their continued ritual practices.
19. The advocates of open border policies are trying to keep national boundaries porous so as to facilitate human trafficking and drug smuggling.
20. The Clinton Foundation will be shown to have trafficked in children from Haiti.
21. New York police found video evidence on disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop (now in their possession) allegedly showing Hillary Clinton and her aid, Huma Abedin, torturing and murdering a child. The video is said to have made hardened, career detectives openly weep.
22. The ancient Rothschild family and the Saudi Arabian government are alleged to have been complicit in these things.
23. Essentially, the summum bonum of Q’s exposition is that a battle of Good vs. Evil is underway, and the Evil ones currently hold power in almost every government on the planet.
24. As the evil ones are exposed when the evidence is made public, the corrupt DOJ and federal courts in the United States will not be trusted to hold trials. Instead, military tribunals are authorized by the Constitution when an insurrection is detected. At present, in the last year-and-a-half, some 80,000 sealed indictments have been issued for perpetrators in these crimes. Many of these will be tried by military tribunals and face judgment for treason and sedition against the United States. Other governments of the world will be shaken as the Cabal in their countries will be exposed.
25. When arrests of some high-level persons are undertaken, there may be a brief period of civil unrest as the Deep State uses its levers of power with groups like AntiFa, Black Lives Matter, and MS-13 gangs to start riots and civil unrest. During this period, the Internet will be limited and the US military will be used to restore order. Patriots are advised to prepare food, water, and necessities for up to two weeks. No long-term disruption is anticipated. The commencement of this stage of operations will be signaled by the President sending a “tweet” on Twitter stating, “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us.” That is the prearranged signal to alert Patriots. The military will control all media and communications. The Presidential Emergency Alert System will be used to pass vital information.
There is a lot more I could delve into, but this is more than enough to give you context. Thank you for reading. I hope this helps. I’m sure fellow anons will help amplify this information or correct me where I may have made mistakes. If you are new to following Q, follow Qmap.pub daily and go back to research from the beginning. There is much, much more! Our motto is “WWG1WGA-Where we go one, we go all.”